Like A Needle In The Eye


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
That's not a metaphor. Okay, not literally in the eyeball, but close enough.

I had a cyst on my lower eyelid (actually, two that apparently merged). Saw a doc yesterday, and she removed it right there in the office (a bit of a surprise, actually). Numbing cream on the area around it, and she said she'd give me an injection and cauterize. Which I took to mean the numbing cream would make it easier to give me a shot to fully numb the area. Nope - apparently the needle was to drain the cyst. Before the needle, I apologized because I tend to twitch when anyone gets close to my eye - even when it's numb. I'd had a previous growth removed, and that doc kept giggling because I kept twitching when he touched my eye, even though I couldn't feel it.

So, the doc hits me with the needle and I did all I could to not move because, you know, needle, eye. I didn't move, and she said, "Good job, you handled that well. You're tough." And I tell that not to brag to inflate my ego, but because it gives me an excuse to post this.

Now I just have a scab under my eye, and if anyone asks, I'm going to tell them I got the wrong lunch meat at the store last week so my wife had to teach me a lesson.
That's not a metaphor. Okay, not literally in the eyeball, but close enough.

I had a cyst on my lower eyelid (actually, two that apparently merged). Saw a doc yesterday, and she removed it right there in the office (a bit of a surprise, actually). Numbing cream on the area around it, and she said she'd give me an injection and cauterize. Which I took to mean the numbing cream would make it easier to give me a shot to fully numb the area. Nope - apparently the needle was to drain the cyst. Before the needle, I apologized because I tend to twitch when anyone gets close to my eye - even when it's numb. I'd had a previous growth removed, and that doc kept giggling because I kept twitching when he touched my eye, even though I couldn't feel it.

So, the doc hits me with the needle and I did all I could to not move because, you know, needle, eye. I didn't move, and she said, "Good job, you handled that well. You're tough." And I tell that not to brag to inflate my ego, but because it gives me an excuse to post this.

Now I just have a scab under my eye, and if anyone asks, I'm going to tell them I got the wrong lunch meat at the store last week so my wife had to teach me a lesson.
Needle… Eye…
Just nope…
Never had that, at least yet, but after I had Lasik I was severely red eyed for a couple days, as my eyes are fairly inset. I went to work the next day and tried not to freak out too many people. But I was tempted to walk around downtown, randomly point at someone, and say in my most demonic voice, "We know!" or "We are coming for you!"

By the way, during the procedure the doctors played Rush live. "YYZ" played as the lasers reshaped my eyeballs.
The last time was worse - doc gave me numbing shots around the area of the growth. What I didn't count on was the one inside the eye socket by the tear duct. Damn, I hated that.

And my dad is way tougher. He was having some surgery on his eye to remove debris (floaters, I think), so they were actually working inside the eyeball. They put him to sleep for it, though, so nothing to think about or see. Until he woke up. He said he could see the tools moving around in his eye. My mother said, "Why didn't you say something?" He said, "I just wanted it to be done, and they'd have stopped to put me back out." F*@( that!
I've worn contact for almost 35 years now so touching my eye is no big deal but a needle? That made me squirm a bit :):)