Hollowbody Pickups - Archtop Voiced or 57/08?

Sorta on topic here... Does anyone have experience with 53 10's in their Hollowbody II. I like my 57-08's that are in it now, but am curious if I will like 53 10's in it better. The situation is that I seldom play my JA 15 with the 53 10's, just because of my comfort with my HB II. I actually like the 53 10's the best, but not sure what they will be like in the HB II?
Sorta on topic here... Does anyone have experience with 53 10's in their Hollowbody II. I like my 57-08's that are in it now, but am curious if I will like 53 10's in it better. The situation is that I seldom play my JA 15 with the 53 10's, just because of my comfort with my HB II. I actually like the 53 10's the best, but not sure what they will be like in the HB II?

There are a few threads discussing this, but from what I've picked up on (
) the 53/10s are the most mellow of the line. So in order from mellow to hot, it's apparently: 53/10, 57/08, 58/08, 59/09. And I'm not sure where the new 58/15s fit in. Don't hold me to this, as I've not tried all of them, and most of the data is anecdotal.
IMHO The 57/08's will sound fantastic in any guitar they are put into.
I also just happened to notice that they (the 57/08's) have nearly identical specs to some very popular commercially available pickups from a certain very large manufacturer of guitar pickups. ;)