Got Wood?


Confirmed Bird Snob
Mar 29, 2014
Denver, CO
Well, as @sergiodeblanc mentioned. We worked out a nice trade, my ‘90 Studio for his beautiful Spruce HB. I’ve been a massive Mike Einziger fan for years and years. When I plugged this in, the first thing I did was drop D and play the Circles riff. Nailed it perfectly!

I’m so beyond elated with the trade, and as we know Sergio is just a top notch fellow!


Of course I can’t leave well enough alone, so I swapped out the Archtops for early 57/08’s. The Archtops were great sounding, but the 57/08’s took this guitar to a different level. After much sweating and heavy breathing I was able to get the swap successfully completed.



And now the whole family for a nice group photo.

That sure is a treasure! No offense to Serg, but I think you came out ahead!! Congrats on scoring a true classic!!!

I think we definitely both feel that way. I loved the Studio, but wasn’t bonded to it like my others. The Spruce came in and instantly I knew it was super special. I think Sergio feels similar with his point of view. We definitely appreciate the trade!
Ehhh, in that case I have more guitars to trade, what do you got?
All I've got is a desire for more (which I can't afford ATM)! I'd probably trade my soul for a White Westie ;~)) When funds are again available, I will hit you up to see if you have any Santana's you are willing to part with (I will of course wait for a cold day in hell for that to happen)!!!