First time photo'd together - my PRS family!!


New Member
Jul 4, 2015
St. Petersburg
Title says it all. It was finally time to figure out how to get the whole family together for some pictures. It took a while to figure out how to arrange them, and surprisingly, there were NO injuries during the set-up and tear down of these pics. I took a lot, and I am gonna post most of them - I am guessing you lot won't mind!!!!


Wow! Love the display, too - like a "tangled web" of guitars...

That’s referred to as composition.

Thanks!! Yeah, it took about 2 hours to arrange that. I had to figure out how to get all of them in the shot space, arrange for color - once I figured out the actual composition, I had to take certain guitars and move them around for color impact. I am SOOOOO surprised nothing got damaged in the process....relieved too, lol. After creating the composition, I had to figure out how to light the room. My wife does YouTube videos, so we have photo studio lights - I wasn't 100% successful in avoiding light glare in every shot, but it took a while to get it as right as I could.
Thanks!! Yeah, it took about 2 hours to arrange that. I had to figure out how to get all of them in the shot space, arrange for color - once I figured out the actual composition, I had to take certain guitars and move them around for color impact. I am SOOOOO surprised nothing got damaged in the process....relieved too, lol. After creating the composition, I had to figure out how to light the room. My wife does YouTube videos, so we have photo studio lights - I wasn't 100% successful in avoiding light glare in every shot, but it took a while to get it as right as I could.
Great effort = Great results!