Drummer Issues

good drummers are diamonds and shouldn't be taken for granted.

Despite my drum machine post, this is absolutely true. And great drummers are worth their weight in diamonds!

The last band I gigged with did something fairly intelligent: we had three on-call drummers who were the best players we could find (guys I'd booked for studio sessions). We paid them separately, a good rate for a gig.

We never had trouble with anyone showing up, because they were (a) pros, and (b) we made sure the pay was a good incentive to play with us.

However, I recently went to a show where the keyboard guy had a couple of computers running drum machines. The band sounded killer, and I didn't even notice that there wasn't a drummer until halfway through the first set! I was flabbergasted, as this band had a singer, backup singers, and horns in addition to the usual band setup, and it did not sound like a drum machine. Whoever programmed it did a really great job. I'm not talking about the sounds of the drums, I mean the programming didn't have the usual stiffness. It sounded very naturally played (yes, I know it's possible to download MIDI files of session guys playing that aren't quantized, that's what they must have done).