The Tale of the DIY Amp Rack


Who is John Galt?
Sep 20, 2013
Once upon a time there lived a drummer with too many guitars. Then one day he had an idea! He said to himself, "Why not seek out tonal variety by buying more amps instead of buying more guitars?". So then he set out upon a journey to buy another amp and returned to his humble abode with a PRS 2 Channel H (refer to previous New Amp Day post for that one.) Them he went out and bought a brand new PRS Archon 50w head!

But then a terrible thing happened! The drummer with too many guitars discovered that he had too many amps in that stacking them on top of each other resulted in a highly unstable situation which put the amps at risk of falling over! Oh No! he thought, what shall I do? Then the idea came to him... "I know" he said... "I'll build an amp rack! But not just any amp rack, I'll build the mightiest amp rack which has ever been seen!".

And so it was that the drummer with too many guitars did build himself a mighty rack and then mounted his amps upon that rack (which dwarfed the last amp rack that he built exclusively from wood scraps) and he felt a great sense of accomplishment (as well as muscle aches and pain in every joint in his body because he's old as <explative deleted>.


There stood the mighty amp rack, towering in size over the other amp rack made from scrap wood. Finished! Or so thought the drummer with too many guitars... "I've got an idea! That rack is wide enough that I could scoot the bigger amps off to one side, THEN I could place small lunchbox amps on the sides of each of the shelves and access them from the sides!" He scooted one amp over and then placed a small lunchbox amp on the same shelf as he saw in his vision in order to test the theory, and it worked! So them he said, Now I can go out and start shopping for more lunchbox sized amps! Thus, back out he went , this time seeking lunchbox sized amps.

Then the drummer with too many guitars returned home with a brand new PRS Hendrix 20w head and he placed it too onto the amp rack. But this time, something seemed wrong that had not occurred to him earlier. Having each amp oriented as they were caused a crowded space behind each amp for the cables. AH HA! he said... Here's what I'll do. I'll place each amp facing forward, one in the front and one in the back. Then, whichever amp I feel like playing, I'll bring that amp to the front of the shelf and place the one I'm not playing on the back side of the shelf.

New problem, the amps are crowded on hte shelfs in that orientation, and so begin the modifications to the brand new DIY Amp Rack. Adding 2x4's to the front and rear edges of each shelf provide an extra 7 inches of shelf space. Now the sides look empty... Eureka! I can add wall mount guitar hangers on the side of the Amp Rack. Heck, why stop there? Two more guitar hangers are added to the front of the amp rack for a total of 5 guitar hangers. That saves the drummer with too many guitars a lot of floor space! All the floor stands are then relocated to the closet of eternal doom!


Now the DIY Amp Rack is really finished and super functional!


[Author's note: I couldn't decide which guitars to hang on the rack for illustration, so I re-photographed the rack with an assortment of different colored guitars. To be continued.]
If you made a matching rack for your drums, you'd have a Rack of Doom and a Rack of Boom!

Better get to work! ;)

To augment your Rack of Doom, blow more money on gear, and make your studio life surprisingly easier and more fun, may I suggest one of these? Completely noise-free, no clicks, pops, hum or tone suck. Once you have one with multiple amps and cabs, you'll wonder how you got along without it:

This video is for the smaller unit, but the 8x4 that I have works the same way:

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If you made a matching rack for your drums, you'd have a Rack of Doom and a Rack of Boom!

Better get to work! ;)

To augment your Rack of Doom, blow more money on gear, and make your studio life surprisingly easier and more fun, may I suggest one of these? Completely noise-free, no clicks, pops, hum or tone suck. Once you have one with multiple amps and cabs, you'll wonder how you got along without it:

This video is for the smaller unit, but the 8x4 that I have works the same way:

It was kinda Truman Show A.I. like how as soon as I finished telling everyone about this DIY Amp Rack, a video shows up in my feed telling me that I don't need no steenkeen amps at all. hahahaha

You're not going to be fooled by that idea, Mr. Awesome Pile o' Amps On A Sweet Stand! ;)

Exactly. I'll always have amps at this point. But if I were younger and physically able to endure the physical abuse of being a stadium touring musician, I do really like the idea of setting my tone where I want it from my fancy little German box and then send that to the sound guy so that there is nothing for him to mess with. You also can't have an interruption in the show because your amp took a dump. No amp, no amp problems (during a show).