Brazilian or Indian?


New Member
Dec 21, 2018
Hello! Would you say this is Brazilian or Indian RW? Its a late 91 CU24

I don’t think you could ever be confused between Brazilian and Indian food?
I don't think the issue was confusion, more about the differences and likes/dislikes of each food, and perhaps preferences. There is a tremendous variety of foods from both countries/cultures...

Great, now I'm hungry.

No modcats in 1991
Indeed - maybe pull the pups and see what is written in the cavities. Or send the SN to PRS customer service, they "should" have records.

I would agree , it looks Indian. Brazilian typically is denser than indian
I will say it looks like IRW to me - BRW usually has much smaller pores, and is smoother looking overall.
Not confused. Just hoping someone enjoys vindaloo as much as I do.

I'd guess Indian on the board material too for the sake of staying relevant.
I’m not a big vindaloo fan, but that’s just because I’ve never tried the pork version.

On the other hand, I can and regularly do crush Indian food. You gotta hand it to a culture that figured out how to make pea’s delicious. Literally every other culture cannot.

I’ll also say I believe that’s Indian rosewood from just a picture and the age.