Bears in campsites: not cuddly

Bears you don't mess around. I remember camping and they didn't build the bear lockers. The rangers advised us to not put food in the cars as bears will tear into the cars to get the food. So the camp leader decided to hang the food in a tent on a tree far off to the side. It was high enough out of reach and the branch was too small for a bear to walk on it to get to the tent.

Next morning the tent's bottom was ripped out and the ranger had pointed out that a smaller bear had went on the limb (claw marks on the branch) and while it couldn't get to the tent, the branch dropped low enough for a tall one to swipe at the bottom to tear holes so the food fell out.

They can even smell snack bars inside their wrappers. It's fun to watch a bear play with a bear proof container and knock it around until it gets tired and moseys off.
Nice. I am going to Canada this summer, so I'll remember that. Here in Holland the only bears I ever see are in the zoo.
When I lived in the north country we had a bear come into the porch after the little bits of beer left in bottles. I now rinse everything before recycling it, even though it is kept in a locked garage.
A good incentive to take Ted Nugent along in the interest of safety.
