Any women on this forum?

I’m guessing it rhymes with “plenty” now!:eek:

Hi Boudica

Welcome. That’s a fabulous sounding collection of PRSi!

It’s funny to hear that you’ve been “banned” from guitar purchases for the time being. It’s good to know that “guitar blocking” isn’t gender specific!:confused:

If he comes and gets those seven, it would ryhme with plenty dumb o_O
I’m guessing it rhymes with “plenty” now!:eek:

Hi Boudica

Welcome. That’s a fabulous sounding collection of PRSi!

It’s funny to hear that you’ve been “banned” from guitar purchases for the time being. It’s good to know that “guitar blocking” isn’t gender specific!:confused:
My gas is really BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaD.
Like moths to a flame :)

The easiest way to be treated equally would be to not even mention your gender. If any girl or girls walk into a roomful of undersexed guys outnumbered 100 to 1 all sorts of stupid is bound to happen.

Just my observation :)
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And so to the Winger debate ..... Sergio is right, age is irrelevant. We are talking about making music here and how you discover more when you have a PRS guitar (or 14) to play with.

Truth is I had to google Winger so I wasn't scared off until then ;)
Winger=hair, lots and lots of hair, and not all of it on the head. Hair,hair, everywhere. Kip winger is in need of a wee bit of manscaping lol. But the music was enthusiastic!
Yes! Welcome, so glad you posted :)

You are a women after my own heart too. I have no idea why it took me so long to pick up a PRS and my first purchase made me realise that my other guitars will start gathering dust (except, like you, my Taylor acoustic). And what great choices you have made so far.
I am glad someone asked the question. I too had wondered if there were any other sisters on here. As a female, I tend to be a little shy on male dominated sights because people can be so cruel online. The crowd on here does seem to be a bunch of inclusive people, which is rare.
I’m guessing it rhymes with “plenty” now!:eek:

Hi Boudica

Welcome. That’s a fabulous sounding collection of PRSi!

It’s funny to hear that you’ve been “banned” from guitar purchases for the time being. It’s good to know that “guitar blocking” isn’t gender specific!:confused:
I rotate between the three every day so they all get some love. I love all three and don’t want to neglect one. Kinda like kids. Sadly my non prs guitars now sit in their cases gathering dust. I really need to trade them in on more prsi But just cant quite turn them loose yet.
Welcome Boudica! What I’d suggest next would depend on your budget. Might want to go more towards either the brighter side (Studio, 305, DC3 or the new Mayer guitar that may come out eventually) Or maybe a nice semi hollow.

PRS and Taylor make a heck of a nice pair, as brands go.
I’m spending my inheritance lol, so my budget is pretty good, but I am choosy as to what I spend it on. It has to be the right guitar, so I am looking to not be redundant in terms of sound with my guitars. I have wondered about a 305 as I have read it’s a little different, but have never seen one in a store in my area (central Michigan), so have never had a chance to play one. I have a great musical candy store in town called Elderly Instruments, one of the great old independents and can usually find just about any prs there that I want to try out, but so far no 305. Is the 509 similar? Seems I’ve read somewhere that it’s a fairly close replacement for the 305. As an aside, I bought a sonzera there recently and love it. Still a novice as far as gear, so I’m just dipping my toe in now. Thinking about taking the plunge into the world of pedals, but so far I just have a looper. That’s a whole nother can of worms (pedals) ha!
Like moths to a flame :)

The easiest way to be treated equally would be to not even mention your gender. If any girl or girls walk into a roomful of undersexed guys outnumbered 100 to 1 all sorts of stupid is bound to happen.

Just my observation :)

Thankfully I have a robust marriage so my stupid actions will generate from other areas!
3. It's even more amazing that DTR survived high school/college with his Winger fascination..must have been a pity thing...:D

I survived high school and college pretty well. Didn't even discover Winger until after I was out of both. Rush, Van Halen and Ozzie were my big three back then.

Re: "fascination" I don't even own a Winger t-shirt. And unless I ever go to an Experience, I probably never will. :D
I am glad someone asked the question. I too had wondered if there were any other sisters on here. As a female, I tend to be a little shy on male dominated sights because people can be so cruel online. The crowd on here does seem to be a bunch of inclusive people, which is rare.

Very rare. I just wander about undetected on online forums now, life is far too short to spend it feeding trolls and being treated badly. And I am equally uncomfortable with female-only enclaves, which can be just as bad. People think being nasty is their right somehow and I don't get it.

I guess googling Winger was a small price to pay for the company of decent people!
That settles it. I have no idea who Winger is and I’m not googling them.

Kip Winger is the former bass player for Alice Cooper (from the Nightmare Returns tour in 1987-ish).

That's only part of the story, but most people would probably consider it the good part.

Cooper's band that tour featured half of Winger (minus Reb Beach and Rod Morgenstein), Rambo-lookalike Kane Roberts, and Devlin 7 (no relation to John 5).
Very rare. I just wander about undetected on online forums now, life is far too short to spend it feeding trolls and being treated badly. And I am equally uncomfortable with female-only enclaves, which can be just as bad. People think being nasty is their right somehow and I don't get it.

I guess googling Winger was a small price to pay for the company of decent people!
It’s very easy to treat people indecently when you don’t have to look them in the eye.