Any women on this forum?

Hey Guys,

My SAS NFs wanted to say hi.

Here they are: Ash and Larry.


Then my cu24 wanted its photo taken:


They are SO demanding sometimes...
Interesting... if Bodia had posted those two beauties my comments would be much different! Lol.
Lol, yep, he was the reason that I purchased my very first electric guitar a few years ago... I had an acoustic from my old college days but it hurt my fingers when I practiced and I never returned to it. Then His Purple Badness died and MN will never be the same. Seriously, the whole state is still reeling... Even Justin Timberlake is getting in on it by hosting his listening party at Paisley Park around Superbowl weekend.

I special ordered the truss rod cover from the WECinlay gentleman. It took a while to get it right but the final product was pretty close to perfect. I had another second order with him but it fell through and now I'm using someone else for my covers.

I ended up moving this truss rod cover from my SAS to my purple McCarty. I think it likes the purple guitar better ;)
This popped up on my you tube feed!

Thought it belonged here for more than one reason.

Curious to hear your thoughts once the Wudtone is installed. Can't go wrong with the MannMade. Those things are awesome!

So.... I got my 408 back and I must say the results are quite interesting. First off, the sustain is CRAZY. I mean, it was 'PRS awesome' before the Wudtone but now its like insane, which can be both a good and a bad thing depending on how you look at it. You hit a chord, take a dive, let go of the trem arm and the chord returns and just doesnt want to die. Its nuts. Regarding the trem itself, I can dive further and bring it up further, also the screw in arm allows me to set the tightness easier than I could with the little original hex thingy and I really like that.

With regard to tone, I should say that I undertook this experiment to try to make my 408 less 'civilized' in terms of its tone. I wanted it to sound more like a strat with that typical strat jangly raw tone. I also wanted this guitar to sound different from my other PRS guitars. I feel like this bridge delivered on those things because I can now get to the strat tone in both neck and middle positions while in single coil mode whereas before I could only get near that tone in the middle position (with neck in single and bridge in hum)... But now every sound seems super full so I no longer need the 'wider' hum mode. I was never fond of the neck pickup alone before this change but now its useful to me.

In a nutshell, the new trem made the guitar sound more organic/dynamic/alive/not so perfect/raw. Based on the Wudtone design, I'd bet this has more to do with the fact that it is metal on metal for the entire trem movement than anything else.

I did not notice any major differences in loudness. If there is any difference, it was not as significant in my case as it was in the various existing comparison videos.

One big reason why this bridge might not work for everyone is:

To my ear, note separation suffers in favor of fullness. I love what the trem did for my guitars single note/lead tones; chords on the other hand, are a bit muddier now. However, since I installed the Wudtone for strat lead tones, I'm not complaining...Its a different trem design and the tonal changes that results from it are significant. Everyone wont like the changes but for my purposes, it did what I thought it would do.

Now that I know what the steel trem is like, I am very curious about the Wudtone brass block trem. I'd imagine, it would be closer to the 'perfect trem for me' with typical brass articulation / note separation AND crazy sustain. I think the sustain is mainly due to that metal shim... So as long as thats there, I know that the sustain will be where I need it to be.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna keep this trem on this guitar. I may change the saddles to brass at some point in the not so near future... But that would be the only change that I could foresee at this time.

Nice detailed review Casi1.


Now, I'm an electrical geek and this is all mechanical but if I were a trem manufacturer, I think I would combine the two designs of the available options.

Both designs seem to aim to accomplish the same things just with different emphasis. There has to be a balance between sustain and note separation/articulation. Maybe use the shim and recessed fit up AND a one piece solid metal design AND offer options of all brass, all stainless steel, or all titanium. If Casi1 had access to this material, and to the necessary machinery, then thats what she'd be doing. And she'd be making a list of all the things she was going to spend her millions of dollars of revenue on. Lol.

Oh and offer different finishes. I need black trems because they look cool.


Black trems go with my red pedals.

Now, I'm an electrical geek and this is all mechanical but if I were a trem manufacturer, I think I would combine the two designs of the available options.

Both designs seem to aim to accomplish the same things just with different emphasis. There has to be a balance between sustain and note separation/articulation. Maybe use the shim and recessed fit up AND a one piece solid metal design AND offer options of all brass, all stainless steel, or all titanium. If Casi1 had access to this material, and to the necessary machinery, then thats what she'd be doing. And she'd be making a list of all the things she was going to spend her millions of dollars of revenue on. Lol.

Oh and offer different finishes. I need black trems because they look cool.


Black trems go with my red pedals.
How about red chrome trems?!:eek:

Now, I'm an electrical geek and this is all mechanical but if I were a trem manufacturer, I think I would combine the two designs of the available options.

Both designs seem to aim to accomplish the same things just with different emphasis. There has to be a balance between sustain and note separation/articulation. Maybe use the shim and recessed fit up AND a one piece solid metal design AND offer options of all brass, all stainless steel, or all titanium. If Casi1 had access to this material, and to the necessary machinery, then thats what she'd be doing. And she'd be making a list of all the things she was going to spend her millions of dollars of revenue on. Lol.

Oh and offer different finishes. I need black trems because they look cool.


Black trems go with my red pedals.

Did you get the NOS Mann trem? That's a one piece brass unit. Oh, and you can get black chrome.
Did you get the NOS Mann trem? That's a one piece brass unit. Oh, and you can get black chrome.

I am currently waiting on the NOS trem. I will review that one once I receive and install it. I expect the note separation to be much better but sustain to be less than the Wudtone. Yep but the black nickel on the NOS is lighter/brighter in color than the black Wudtone finish.
I am currently waiting on the NOS trem. I will review that one once I receive and install it. I expect the note separation to be much better but sustain to be less than the Wudtone. Yep but the black nickel on the NOS is lighter/brighter in color than the black Wudtone finish.

Got it!