A Paper Bag

Real comedy from way back before Comedy went PC!

While I agree with this statement to an extent, I've been hearing about how comedy (and a lot of other things) has gone PC since the late 80s/early 90s. What it usually boils down to is "people can't use slurs anymore". There's plenty of edgy, "non-PC" comedy out there. And yes, there are people who misinterpret jokes and confuse a subject in/of a joke with the target of the joke. And those voices tend to get amplified because "people laugh at edgy joke" is akin to "dog bites man" - that's what's supposed to happen. But if you're trying to attract attention, it's much easier to sell the outrage. That's why you'll never see something like "I saw this comedian and he was funny" trend on social media, but you'll see a lot of "comedian tells joke targeting (insert group here)".
All I know is y'all sure don't want to see my ugly mug distorted all to blazes when I have one of those "really into it" moments. Even my wife says I look stupid when that happens.
But she don't know s**t about music anyhoo so.🤣
My wife tells me that she can always tell when I am really into what I am playing because the faces get worse. She has captured enough of them on her phone for me to believe her. :)