
  1. Markcarl

    Incoming NGD - Semi Hollow DGT

    I need another guitar like I need a hole in the head. I ordered this one and should have it in the next day or two. Here are the Sweetwater pics. I’ll post an update after it arrives and I’ve had a chance to play it and compare with my other guitars.
  2. sick pickle

    NGD: 2024 DGT Tobacco Sunburst Flame Top Moons

    After years of falling in love with PRS guitars, I finally have a dream guitar. It arrives tomorrow! 2024 DGT Tobacco Sunburst Flame Top Moons
  3. sick pickle

    Question about upper fret finishing?

    I am interested in a DGT and I noticed this in a product shot for the guitar I am considering: Notice how in the last few frets it looks like sort of finishing compound, or something? Does anyone know what this is? I played a DGT goldtop last weekend and I noticed the exact same thing. I am...
  4. cmcgrath

    DGT with standard size frets?

    Just curious, has anyone here refretted a DGT with standard PRS frets? If so, any issues?
  5. L

    Latest Family Portrait!

    Bored out of my mind being off work so I decided to rearrange the furniture! I have a T-Style hole in my collection at the moment. Can’t find the NF53 in the colour I want. Recommendations welcome! L-R: DGT SE - McCarty Sunburst Studio - Satin Purple Mist Wood Library Silver Sky Dead Spec - Moc...
  6. Mikegarveyblues

    SE DGT Appalling Fretwork

    Hey folks, long time no see! Was hoping to post a happy NGD after joining what seems to be many happy members of the SE DGT club. Unfortunately - at least for now - that isn't the case. Some of you may wish to close your eyes... I've been intrigued by this model since first release. It...
  7. shimmilou

    Best SE ever?

    NGD, SE DGT Goldtop with moons, just an outstanding guitar in all aspects. IMO, the best SE ever. Once I heard DGh say that he forgot for a minute that he was playing the SE and not his core, because it is "that close" to the core, I had to try one, and I am thrilled that I did, it sounds amazing.
  8. nic

    PRS DGT SE Muddy Tone / HX Stomp tone comparison

    Hello good people, I'm new to the forums. I own a PRS DGT SE gold top and it was a major upgrade after playing some cheap Strat like guitar. The only source for researching the DGT SE was the internet. I own a HX Stomp and I do not have the chance to try the guitar on different quality amps. I...
  9. L

    Current Family Portrait

    Silver Sky SE - Nylon Blue Studio - Satin Purple Mist Wood Library 10 Top Modern Eagle V - Opaque Black Gloss DGT (Rosewood Neck) - River Blue Wood Library 10 Top DGT SE - McCarty Tobacco Sunburst
  10. JasonE

    Let's talk resistors!

    I have been testing out the compressor pedals that I bought recently and had my 594 in my hands and remembered that it had the push pull taps on it. I pulled both up, wow. This guitar has a set of 57/08s in it that I bought from the PRS website in 2016 or early 2017. They are hotter than my...
  11. Ovibos

    Glowing SE DGT review from a tough critic

    I was thinking I don’t need one, but….
  12. Monahan

    My Final-- And Best NGD!!

    This NGD is the culmination of many years, with A LOT of backstory, though I will keep it as brief as possible. My wife and I 'officially' retired a few years ago. Since then, we've been downsizing, and reevaluating what's important to us; living on a retired budget brings such things more...
  13. J

    Custom 24 nitro refin: what happens with the serial number and the logo?

    Sup guys. Recently I opened a post about changing the pickups of my CU24 (Its a 2007). Im also thinking about getting a good refinish, probably a nice nitro aged Goldtop. The guitar is all black with a quilted maple top... a couple of questions: 1) Would it be "fine" to just refin the top...
  14. J

    Help me pick some humbuckers for my CU24

    Hey guys, I have a Core CU24 (2007) that's my main guitar and i wanna try some new pickups. In an ideal world i'd buy some DGT pickups but those are nowhere to be found, so im tempted to buy a set of used Dragon I. Lollar Imperials are another alternative im considering.
  15. Mozzi

    PRS SE DGT Demo from the very man himself...

    Anyone wondering if the SE DGT sounds good enough, listen to this... Sounded GREAT to Me!!
  16. caspingus

    Best action for DGT SE

    I've just taken delivery of the DGT SE gold top. While I'm excited, the action is extremely high, measuring 3mm on the low E (12th fret) and 2.5mm on the high E. This support page mentions: Treble-side string height at 12th fret: 1.8/32" - 2.3/32" (1.4mm -1.8mm) Bass-side string height at...
  17. A

    Bridge pick up and volume control DGT

    Currently playing a new 2020 DGT . On the bridge pick up i find that rolling of volume control changes the sound very little. From 10 down to 6. The neck pick up is the opposite. the guitar cleans up at arond 6 or 7. I really love this guitar and i do like how the pick up sounds, just wish it...
  18. Utkarsh

    Collection Chronicles: My 'DGT of DOOM'

    Some of you are aware that I have a DGT lurking about in the collection. Fewer of you are aware that I have modified it to an inch of its life (not really. I just liked the turn of phrase) Jokes apart, my 2018 Charcoal Purple Burst DGT is one of my favourite guitars, particularly because it...
  19. El Fenix

    Semi-hollow DGT

    Twice I've seen David Grissom post a "non-standard" DGT. Once with soap bar pickups. This time, it was my dream guitar - A semi-hollow DGT. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTV1TcHs6v0/
  20. Tramp

    A Tale of Two DGTs

    About 3 years ago, I bought my first DGT--a used Honey with a Brazilian Board and a wonderful Artist quilt top. It was my third PRS, after a Core DC 594 and a Private Stock Santana Retro. This very quickly became the standard by which all guitars were measured for me. Indeed, it was the...