I'm certainly not completely satisfied, because a wide variety of amps and cabinets might be just as interesting to have as my wide variety of guitars...
I've gone with as few as one amp, and as many as 7 or 8 in my studio over the years. Plus a variety of software and hardware modeling devices. Right now I'm running two amps, the DG30 and the HXDA, and of course a plethora of software stuff that I use for writing mostly on ad projects.
For me, the software modelers are just writing tools unless something really weird is needed on a project, so I won't comment more on that.
And with the disclaimer that everyone's different and has different needs, I'll make a few comments as to where I've been headed over time.
The more amps I have, generally, the more time I utterly waste trying to decide what I'm in the mood to play or record. I wind up spending a lot of time taste testing, and not enough time on the actual work or playing.
For me one great two channel amp has usually been enough, combined with whatever pedals are needed to complete the work at hand.
Right now I have two single channel amps, which amounts to the same thing; I use one for cleaner stuff, and one for dirtier stuff, just as I would a two channel amp. I'm satisfied, happy, and productive this way.
YMMV, of course, but for me paralysis by analysis gets in the way of creativity.