What's on everyone's Christmas wish list?


Gandalf the Vintage Yellow
Oct 13, 2016
I don't feel like a true PRS dude because I'm only sporting an SE at the moment. But I do like the internet and I check out this forum as regularly as anything else online. I'm really curious to see what everyone's jive is. McCarty seems really hot at the moment. Dare I say... "the flavor of the month". A few speak up for Santana and west street (some louder than others). I'm not into hollow and semi-hollow but I see those are a hot item. Can't say I have experienced the joys of korina backs or rosewood necks. Any talk of cocobolo goes right over my head. But I still love to read it all and learn more about those intricacies. My own wishes are mostly cosmetic because my experience with actual PRS guitars is limited to a few basic core models.

I say you can go the custom custom perfect private stock route with this answer, or something a little more simple - as long as you have a cool reason or something unique, I think its worth mentioning. Think of this as holiday story time around a fire.

Personally, I'm torn between the original PRS custom 24 and McCarty 594, but if I had to write down my wish for Santa...

I would go with a McCarty 594, autumn sky quilted top, with a satin neck BUT with a santana/west street head stock, ebony board, abalone birds, natural back and a better truss rod cover.

(Seems ripe for a "you'll poke your eye out" joke)

I don't think I've been good enough this year to get a tremolo with that 594 but a guy can dream...

Disclaimer: I hope no one is offended by the Christmas generalization. "Holiday wish list" just didn't sound as good.
Offended??? It is Christmas we are celebrating.

My Christmas wish list is an ARCHON. More specifically, that someone buys my Vox so I can buy an Archon!
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First of all, the S'E is a great instrument. your as much PRS as anybody else.
The heart mind and soul is in the right place. Enjoy what you play, one day it may work for you to own a core , it worked for me but took years. Be proud my friend.
As for Crickle, 10 days of chilling in the noodling department!!!! Have a great holiday mate and enjoy that Axe!!!
Second of all, your SE 30th is a beautiful guitar. All I want this year is a bunch of good audiences to hear my PRS scream. My thrill is really just sharing what comes out of my PRS and PRS amp.
I got myself an early Christmas/Birthday present ( Brushstroke 24 )

But I need a Travel Guitar so I don't get so rusty thinking a Hofner Shorty and a set of Monitor Speakers
A Hughes and Kettner Tubemeister 36 with the 2 1x12 cabs for the mini stack. I want a tube amp that can power soak to one watt monday-saturday while the ladies downstairs do hair, and then open up on sundays when the complex is crazy loud from football. Im number one with a bullet in one of my fantasy league so barring any huge upset the winnings there should handle it.
No more lives torn apart,
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.

That everyone would have a friend,
That right would always win,
And love would never end.

This is my grown up Christmas list. Sappy but true.