What Would Be The Ultimate Guitar Sacrifice(+$$$)To Get What You Really Want?

Yeah, been buying and selling guitars for a long time...let's see...here I am in 1801...


Here's an early iPhone pic of me around, oh, 1225...the pics on the really old ones were a little grainy...notice how the Hippie chick in the red dress is rockin' out to some cool Odo of Cluny licks...yeah, she had a little too much mead...and you thought Jimmy Page invented playing guitar with a bow, right? Nope. It was me. ;)


"Guitar Vampire"?
I don't think that there is a guitar out there that would make me want to give up my 408 or my Cu24. Oh wait I lied, if there was a Core semi-hollow P24 option, that would be on its way before the end of this post...
I am in the middle of exchanging for the guitar of my dreams. Would rather not jinx it, so will provide details only after the exchange is finalized.

Okay, I'm ready to provide a few more details -- I'm trading 4 guitars for the guitar of my dreams. Here's a hint:
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Here's the weird thing: I don't actually have guitar dreams. I mean, I have "ooh, that'd be nice to have" daydreams about guitars, sure. But actual dreams...no.

My sleep dreams are either related to anxiety or women. Or both.

However, my 4 PS guitars (how on earth did I ever wind up with 4 PS guitars??) are very much the stuff of daydreams, and I couldn't be happier or more satisfied with each/all of them. I don't think I could part with any of them.

Heck, my Core WL guitar is a daydream guitar by any sane person's reckoning. My PRS amps? More fulfilled daydreams.

So at this point, I've got to start daydreaming about different things.
CAD was the PS of amps. I don't know if they're still doing that. I never see anything about it on the website any more.