What Would Be The Ultimate Guitar Sacrifice(+$$$)To Get What You Really Want?

Here's the weird thing: I don't actually have guitar dreams. I mean, I have "ooh, that'd be nice to have" daydreams about guitars, sure. But actual dreams...no.

My sleep dreams are either related to anxiety or women. Or both.

However, my 4 PS guitars (how on earth did I ever wind up with 4 PS guitars??) are very much the stuff of daydreams, and I couldn't be happier or more satisfied with each/all of them. I don't think I could part with any of them.

Heck, my Core WL guitar is a daydream guitar by any sane person's reckoning. My PRS amps? More fulfilled daydreams.

So at this point, I've got to start daydreaming about different things.
I'd love to see pics of your 4 PS's.
The guitar I really wanted was a 1959 Les Paul reissue, and I sacrificed a year of my life to save for it.

And now it sits in a case while I play my McCarty... a guitar I bought on a whim.

THIS is what I'm talking about. It's why I strive for functionality, and am generally content to invest in my own musicality rather than some 'magic' instrument.

In fairness, that R9 is worth every cent I paid for it. I started with an Epiphone and over a number of years I worked my way up through Gibson USA to the Custom Shop, and that R9 simply blows everything that proceeded it out of the water in both sound and playability.

Should I find myself fully committed to a specific model I'd be willing to do the same with PRS. If after a number of years I find I spend most of my time playing a Cu24... or SC... or Vela... or whatever, to the extent that I identify it as a major component of my sound then at some point I'd be willing to fork out the money to get the best version of that guitar I can afford.