Waiting is the hardest

I ordered a guitar last November. I was told 9-11 months. We're two weeks away from 11 months, and I'm itching for that call. I'm also really, really, really (REALLY!!) hoping that they're timetable is good.

Waiting was easy for the first 9... The next 2 haven't been so simple...

Don't mind me. I'm just saying it out loud somewhere so I don't go nuts.

As the baby begins to kick and fuss inside the womb, soon it will be delivery time. And yes, being an expectant Dad is tough on you. 11 months is a long time. Hopefully, you have Polaroids of the new arrival.
Ordered mine a year ago with a 10 - 12 month window. I asked the deal what's up a week ago and was told another 6 months. Patience.
Ordered mine a year ago with a 10 - 12 month window. I asked the deal what's up a week ago and was told another 6 months. Patience.

Smart to factor in the extra time because of Covid worker shortages. Most of 2020 included work from home, so the factory likely slowed if not stopped production for a while.

There is an upside to this...workers are returning to the workforce...by reasonable estimates, factory production should reach comparable numbers once their complement of workers returns...