Upcoming Project


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
You've probably heard that Radio Shack is closing a bunch of stores. One of those is the store where my son used to work. He quit right after Christmas. We stopped in to see what they might have (I picked up a soldering iron - it was easier than finding a smaller tip for the one I already have). We looked at some of the fixtures, and I saw a cabinet I was interested in. When we got home, I asked my son about it, and he said he didn't remember one like I described. He stopped in at the store, and they never had that - turned out it was stock pictures they sent to each store. We had him check a filing cabinet, which he said was in good shape. My wife and I stopped in yesterday and looked at it - it is in good shape. We talked to the manager (he recognized us) and he said they had two others from another store. Not in as good shape, but not horrible. We ended up buying two - don't really have room for the third. But it'll give me good storage for my music books and magazines and stuff.

They're both going to need painted, but that's not a big deal - I bought a cabinet at a previous workplace of mine and painted it, so, piece of cake. We were discussing it on the way home, and I said I'd just get some Rustoleum, no problems. I said we could even paint it something other than black, and the light went on above my head. I said, "I know what I can do - I can paint them like my EVH guitar, black with gold stripes. Since we'll have music stuff in it."

So, as of right now, I'm thinking one black and gold, one blue and gold. I have a month before I'll get them, so I have time to think. But I'm going to do the Hans/Sergio thing and own these puppies! Pics when they're done.
Not white and gold and blue and black?


Sorry couldn't help it...
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