Time out...


Cream Crackered
Apr 30, 2012
Warrington, Nr Liverpool UK
Moving house tomorrow and won't have an internet connection for a while. Between that and all the sorting / diy / decorating it'll be a while before I have time to play never mind talk guitar.

Have a good summer chaps and I look forward to catching up with what's happened on the forum over the next few weeks!
i hope to be in your shoes in a month, on the moving an internet connect stuff, wife is moving the music room to the basement in the new house. Have to figure out how to get the man cave studio going!!!
Best of luck on the new diggs, mate - may no guitars be hurt in the moving process!
Mike, I don't envy you having to move. I just finished moving a neighbor, and I'm still tired! Good Luck with everything. See you back here soon.

There are advantages to moving...cleaning out unwanted junk, and the opportunity to set up the man-cave better then it was before...my music room has been a work in progress, and ever evolving, but that keeps it interesting. (Oh, and the actual moving of furniture and stuff actually sucks)
Moving sucks! I just moved into a house a couple months back and I still got stuff all over! Between work and the band and trying to do something on the house each day, I have zero time. After 5 12 hour days at work + some band stuff, I'm trying to take it easy this weekend. Good luck - hope all goes smooth. It is exciting getting into a new home, just a lot of work.