The High Place Phenomenon

Ooo. I love that one. And that case! I have a thing for cases.

Case is super neat - my thought when looking too. As long as the gold doesn't wear off really quiclky if you played it I like the guitar a lot too - always loved old Goldtop LPs.
My belief is that you don't sell a guitar you know and love for some "FANTASY" guitar that has yet to prove itself worthy of being a true keeper.

A lot of times the "FANTASY" guitar falls short of your expectations, and your left with horrible regret for selling an amazing guitar you should have kept.
It’s a weird space to be in, right?

I’m passing on “good deals”, and not checking what’s for sale as much,.... and when I do find something I’m into, it’s like some obnoxiously priced item (to me).

Maybe this is what true contentment feels like?

So strange. Like, I am thinking of unloading my CU22, because life is too short to live with a blade switch underneath the trem arm, but I can't think of anything I'd really like to replace it with. I guess I could do this crazy thing and sell it, and then just sit on idle cash until something inspires me. Holy crap, am I growing up?!
A buddy of mine is workin’ hard at tempting me to sell him one of my guitars. I’ve set unreasonable, or at least uncomfortable (for him) terms for what it’d actually take for me to consider letting it go, and week by week he gets closer to acquiescence (or is it me that gets closer?)

Now the thing is, it’s not my most valuable guitar, and it’s (debatably) redundant, but I do love it as it was kind of a “cornerstone” purchase, and just the thought of letting one go is starting to seriously f@ck with my psyche.

You know that feeling some people get when standing on a high building, and it’s not like they wanna die but... something deep inside pulls at them and they have to fight the urge to jump? It’s called the High Places Phenomenon, and I’m feeling whatever the guitar equivalent to that is. For sure it’s GAS but... it’s a different strain of it.

I have a couple guitars that’ll never leave my home (cough, White Westie) but.... there’s seventeen of ‘em and if one goes... Then I’m afraid I don’t have the willpower to keep others from following suit. My pile of guitars is nothing more than a house of cards!

So why’d I bring this up? I need y’all to remind me of my credo, and keep me on the straight-and-narrow.

.... because.... well, you see... there’s this other guitar.... like, a legit fantasy guitar that could actually happen if I were able to let a bunch go.

Help me.
Wow what a story... once again when you get to the end... “well you see... there’s this “other Guitar” ... been on that road a few times... keep’em all and get the “other” too!