SingleCut Question

Henry Diaz

New Member
Nov 16, 2016
Hi Everyone:

I am just curious about this. In comparison to the Singlecut models, have the bodies ever in the past been as thin as the CE and Custom 24 models?
I know with the newer SE 245 models, they are pretty much thicker like an LP, and I started to notice that the new McCarty Singlecuts are slightly thicker as well. Was this because after the Gibson lawsuit? Just wondering... thank you for reading.
The old SC Trem as well as the ME SC were thinner.

SC satin standards were thinner, they had no maple cap.

Yes, this. They were no thinner than a McCarty. Perhaps a little thicker, but noticeably thinner than the regular Singlecut model.

Thickness has nothing to do with the lawsuit. Rather, I think it's PRS refining the formula to get the tone they want.
I have two Tremonti that are both equally thick, Les Paul thick. But my single cut trem is exactly between a Tremonti and a custom24, now the neck on that baby is thick! Baby hand and apple thick, I mean in comparison to the Tremonti and custom24 :rolleyes:
I've owned two SE singlecuts, with trem and without. Both were thinner than the current SE 245s. Also, the one with trem had a slightly flatter neck angle than the one with a stop tailpiece.
I did find it interesting when they made the SE Singlecut models much more thicker now than before. I would be nice to see more of a carve tp rather than a beveled top. But I know it would raise costs for sure.