Short film featuring Paul and friends


Aug 23, 1985
Stevensville, MD
A local Maryland film maker, Tim Martin, is doing a series of short films called "Support Local". He recently came to the factory to film Paul and some staff. This is what he created.
Well done Tim!

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Man that was some tasty tone he was getting. Oh, and the subject matter was good too. :)
Paul will only die once he has become a legend, visionary & master at what he does. His guitars will out live him and continue to inspire, create and make many many folks happy.

At the very first experience I asked Paul how it felt to be an icon? His humble reply "he was proud of what has become of PRS as for himself, just a regular guy"

Liked the video too. "Paul has that tone when you hear it you know who's behind the guitar" My quote of the year
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A local Maryland film maker, Tim Martin, is doing a series of short films called "Support Local". He recently came to the factory to film Paul and some staff. This is what he created.
Well done Tim!

What a great video! Thanks for posting it Shawn.
