
I believe John Mann is doing retro fits of vintage tuners to PRS style locking tuners , I thought I saw a Les Paul he did
I would send him an email,
On the other hand I am not having an tuning issues with my Starla and it has a Bigsby and Vintage tuners
PS I love your guitar !!!!!
Thanks, no tuning issues so far, I was just considering being a little proactive. Thanks for the info! I just cannot believe how well it holds tune right after a string change with the stock tuners!! Seems like my LP took forever to settle in even after a ton of 2 step bends and hand stretching.
The tuning stability wasn't the greatest on the LP, which has led to some really embarrassing moments at gigs. I have owned a couple of SEs through the years, and was always impressed with their build quality. So I assumed if the SEs were good the USA has to be better, and they are. I love the tone of this guitar, but it's just not what I'm used to. It grows on me everyday tho'. And man, it plays like butter!! So far I have only practiced with it, and it sounds great and cuts thru really well. Got 2 gigs coming up Labor Day weekend, that will be the true test.
Glad to hear it is working out for you. I have never had a tuning issue with any of the PRS guitars that I have owned. Hopefully the same will apply to you. The tone on the SC245 at least to me is different than the tone of an LP. Enjoy.