Well, I tried both Levys and PRS leather received today, compared to the standar Levys that same with the Santana SE.
Not sure if this one is nylon or cotton but is quite ok, so I ordered a cotton white one for the EG guitar for day to day use.
Regarding the cheap Levys leather, I discarded it. The leather is quite rigid, no flexible, that makes it low confort even it´s 2.5" seems width is not that important for comfort. But the worst thing is the bottom side of the leather is rough, so stays attached easily to the cloth, and feels is comfotless for the natural guitar movements.
Now the PRS one,
it feels quite flexible and comfort. It has 5 holes on the tail so adjust is not that complicated.
Not that "night and day" difference compared with the stock Levys that came with the Santana, but feels that if want to play standing for hours (what I rarely do), should make a difference on the shoulders.
for "dayly use" I´ll keep use the standard Levys, just because I built a guitar closet where I have several guitars, and seems more robust to place and take from there without damage the tail of the PRS one.
That said, I paid 71.63 (eur) for it. I suspect that maybe me anyother brand more standar that may sell a even more comfortable strap and maybe padded for this price?
Because, my conclusion is that it´s not worth paying 119 eur for the other PRS padded. Seems PRS straps are overpriced here in Spain
so my last question is, I can keep this PRS leather I bought, or return it to buy any well-known comfortable and padded from any other brand?
do you have any suggestion?
thank you in advance.