In my opinion, it won't matter in the long run, especially when it comes to your technique. But I think that it may be a good idea to explore something different in the future. Strats and LPs are cool but you can try some offset guitars too - Jaguars and Jazzmasters are a completely different story

It's awesome that you're starting with a custom 24, most guitar players start with some low-quality Chinese-made models.
I didn't know what I was doing but I have a pretty good ear, so that helped me out.
Here was my process...
q: What guitarists do I like?
a: Strat players.
q: What strats are good at a reasonable price?
a: Everyone seems to say good things about player plus Strats.
So I went to try them out. Didn't like the feel or tones of the player plus. Sounded thin and the fretboard seemed narrow compared to the acoustic I've been playing on.
They hand me a PRS SE...that feels and sounds great. And it's even cheaper than the player plus.
Went to a different store to make sure I still liked the PRS SE.
I play one, it again feels and sounds great. They hand me a standard S2 just for fun, it feels and sounds even better. More articulate, more sustain, better feel.
I try the SE again...not nearly as good as the 3 S2s I try (a standard, a 10th anniversary cu24, a McCarty 594).
After a few hours deciding between the 594 and anniversary cu24, I ended up with the anniversary.
I don't regret it at's something I can grow into. And happy to say that when I just went and tried a strat again, it didn't feel so bad. So at least my improving technique is helping to be okay with different shape guitars.