
New Member
Jun 9, 2013
I'm not sure why every guitar I get has to have a story but they do.
Played Bodia Silver Sky liked it :) then he sold it.
Then I do a deal with Sergio to get his DC3 ( Love it ) figured single coil problem solved.
Still later Brian C gets a Silver Sky, did a set up on it so the trem was fully floating, enjoyed playing it, then a few weeks later I went to Brians to jam, really gave the Silver Sky a workout, really liked it.
Then Brian lists it and I thought about it to long - SOLD.
SO I made call call to the pusher of my last guitar ( Brett at Eddies Guitar ) and ( drum roll )

Yes Brian its the same color ;/

I haven't seen it in person yet, dying a bit at the moment, full review to follow but I'm not expecting to be surprised as I've played a couple before this one !!!

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I was playing mine last night again, swapping between the 594 soapy and SS.
I can't stop myself from picking it up.
Congrats, and I just love the Frost!
I tried one last year.

Those pix remind me... why no back cover?

The Santana does not have a backplate either , I was told once by a trem strat player that they sound less boxy without the cover most or my Strats were hard tails so I never had the issue
Those pix remind me... why no back cover?

Lots of Strat players take the covers off and leave them off, so they can adjust the springs and the claw more easily, and also have a clearer shot at the little holes for string changes.

If you’re going to leave the cover off, might as well not have holes in the wood for the cover, I guess.
It looks great! I should go play one and see what the fuss is all about, even though I’m not a Strat guy.

Yes, you should. I don’t think I’m a Strat guy either, but man, I fell hard for this guitar. I had to put it in the rack to get time on my other guitars. @BeerBatteredPhish and I passed this guitar back and forth at the store for what I would have sworn was 20 minutes, but he said later it was an hour. It was a blast. I assume it still is.
Sweet, it's PRStratolystic.

I tried one last year.

Those pix remind me... why no back cover?

Because trem covers are dumb. :p

I really dig the white finish.

Looking forward to comparisons between the Silver Sky and the DC3.

I wonder if a large portion of the "not a Strat guy" contingent just haven't played a really good one yet. I am most definitely biased, because the Strat was my first love and in my opinion one of the most perfect guitars ever created. There are a lot of blah Strats that do that thing, but nothing exciting. But when you get a really good one, they can be so inspirational. It makes me think of Paul's "magic guitar" theory, which was surely a factor in the Silver Sky development. The one time I did play a Silver Sky, the neck was terrible to my hand for some reason, but I immediately recognized it as a really good one.