NGD: PRS S2 Standard 24 Satin Guitar

Not going to lie, I never really knew what to think of this line of PRS guitars. Well last night, I went and saw Saint Asonia play. Watching Adam Gontier tear it up on a white Standard 24 was all the confirmation I needed! I ended up taking a 45 min road trip today to a local PRS dealer, and played my first S2...Totally blown away by everything this guitar had to offer! She ended up coming home with me. I was even more shocked when I went to buy it, and it rang up new for $1,100.0. Is it wrong I've only owned/ had her home for 3hrs, and I already installed a PRS \m/ pickup in her.

And it’s never wrong to make her exactly what you want her to be. (I’m an avid modder)
I don't think I've seen one where the two top sides didn't match. Mine matches as you can see from my avatar. But regardless, you can't go wrong with either choice.