NF53 and Myles Kennedy Best Sellers

Yes, I haven’t read many reviews, because I’m not interested in this guitar. But the only “lukewarm” responses I read were all from guys who just wanted to bust on it because it “wasn’t a Tele.” The people that approached it with no preconceived notions THAT I READ, all ended up liking the guitar a lot.

Just like a LOT of guys busted on the Silver Sky for the 3x3 headstock and every other thing that wasn’t exactly like a fender. It seems to have done OK though.
On the Silver Sky, I did not see myself getting one as I already had the 305. Serendipity interfered with a local CL ad showing a mint first 500 and I fell.
I know you've had challenges with yours and that is a real drag because mine has been a peach and is constantly in rotation.
I still cruise Reverb etc. for NF3, NF53, and the MK as well as others, but those are my top searches.
Yes, I haven’t read many reviews, because I’m not interested in this guitar. But the only “lukewarm” responses I read were all from guys who just wanted to bust on it because it “wasn’t a Tele.” The people that approached it with no preconceived notions THAT I READ, all ended up liking the guitar a lot.

Just like a LOT of guys busted on the Silver Sky for the 3x3 headstock and every other thing that wasn’t exactly like a fender. It seems to have done OK though.
Back when Gibson was suing PRS over the Singlecut, Paul repeatedly made the analogy that it was like a Car manufacturer being sued for making minivans.

So this is clearly the pickup truck.

People love pickup trucks.
Yes, I haven’t read many reviews, because I’m not interested in this guitar. But the only “lukewarm” responses I read were all from guys who just wanted to bust on it because it “wasn’t a Tele.” The people that approached it with no preconceived notions THAT I READ, all ended up liking the guitar a lot.

Just like a LOT of guys busted on the Silver Sky for the 3x3 headstock and every other thing that wasn’t exactly like a fender. It seems to have done OK though.

I had no intention of buying a Silver Sky. Just wanted to check one out because of the internet hate. Turned out the member here who was going to buy it (thus making it safe for me to check it out) passed, and I ended up buying it because it was everything I loved about a single coil sound. And it's still one of the guitars I pick up the most just to play around on even though I'm a humbucker guy through and through.

As for the NF53 and MK, calling them just a PRS Tele is selling them short. The NF53, based on the vids I've seen, sounds closer to a Tele than the MK, but it doesn't strike me as being fully in the Tele atmosphere. The MK can get some of that twang if you turn the volume down on the guitar, but while it can get into Tele land, this guitar really lives elsewhere.
While we complain about PRS prices, Fender is selling relic'd Strats for 10 to 12 THOUSAND! Gentleman, pay attention to the market and inflation. While I'm not buying new, I see exactly what's going on. In my business, the wholesale cost of quality goods has gone up 30% in 18 months.
At least. Look at the positive side though. The "people in charge" keep saying it's only 8%, so it's not as bad as it may look. :rolleyes:
I am a PRS fan. Nothing but respect. Every one I ever had was perfectly made. Well thought out. Interesting and innovative. I currently have two I adore. From time to time I don't like what they have put out there. As long as they make the ones I prefer ... their classics however newly refined they keep getting... I will be checking them out. This all said ... the Silver Sky doesn't grab me and the new T type is really unattractive to me. I dont doubt its good at its job though. If they sell a bunch, I don't get it ... but I really don't get why many things are popular these days. I have always hated pointy headstock guitars too.
I'm glad to hear the T-types are selling well - that means they'll keep making them (and presumably selling them), and the used market will have a healthy source for me from the flippers, when I eventually decide to spend that money. (New windows for the entire house is current money pit.)

As for the Silver Sky - I played it last night at practice, and it has been in rotation quite heavily as my practice and gigging guitar - it does cleans all the way to dirty with just a twist of the guitar's volume knob quite well for my purposes, and if I use my FlyRig I get an even better (or at least different) clean tone that is almost pseudo-acoustic.

I played a Fender-Squier mexi-strat for years before taking the PRS plunge, and the Silver Sky ticks all my boxes. I've also had a Tele for a long time (not as long as the strat) and I quite like playing that too - I often keep it in Drop D for Run Like Hell and similar riffage.

But if some of you don't like those F-based models, that's OK by me - horses for courses and all that.
And #1 finish is Moc Sand for #3 SS, and I'd think the Moc Sand isn't the most popular SS color.

It is with me - though that might have more to do with the guitar it's on than the actual colour itself.