Issues with brand new Myles Kennedy Signature Model


Just one more.....
Dec 8, 2016
Hi there,

I ordered my Myles Kennedy model last year and it arrived this week. When I got it home and plugged it in, I realised that when the bridge pickup is selected the volume of the output is maybe 30% of any other selection. Out of the blue, it started working as i expected. Hours later, it's back to being hollow, scratchy and ~30% of the volume. I am assuming maybe it's a faulty switch.

Additionally, there is a subtle dent (actually 2 dents) in the forearm comfort carve under the finish. What it looks like is two holes in the wood were filled, and the filler has sunk below the sanded surface. It's barely noticeable, but I know it's there and it bugs me. Really not something I would expect from a USD $2500 - $3000 guitar.

Considering this is a brand new guitar, do you think this warrants taking it back or should i just replace the switch myself and get on with my life?


Here's a video of the dent. It's really hard to see, but look around the forearm comfort carve.

Contact the dealer with your issues.I know its new but I'd spray the switch with DeOxit first. I use D5 and F5. Works like a charm. If that doesn't solve it. Back to the dealer I'd go.

The dents are up to you. I've been pretty disappointed with the finish on a couple MK. One that I wouldn't consider buying. It was more because swamp ash and what looked like a bunch of imperfections with the dark solid color was in reality the wood and not a bunch of filler. Typically a bonus overall in my mind but not esthetically pleasing to my eye.
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