My Super Dallas can beat up your DG30

This is why I sleep around with other people's amps... too much violence for a long term relationship for me.
Well, at a minimum, we can try it in person for those who are coming to the experience this year.

So far as rumbling with Les or Boogie, I'd prefer to puff my chest out and make big man claims from the safety of my keyboard rather than attempt to actually back up my claims with a decent sounding recording.

If it's good enough for the Republican debate, it's good enough for me. Les and Boogie are big fat liars!!!
Hey, I threw down this challenge, so I'm gonna participate in making the rules!

It's about making music, not making amp demos.

You want amp demos? Fine, listen on the PRS website and all over YouTube; who gives a rat's behind? An amp demo of a guy sitting in a room, disconnected from making music, making "tone" is my idea of boring. I've done it, and I don't like doing it. So I won't.

Amps are built to make music. The true test of an amp is, "Can you use it to make music that expresses your ideas?"

So make some music with the damned amp.

You want to use a pedal with your amp because that's what you do? Go ahead!

Use your amp to make the music you want to make, use whatever gear you want to use to do that, and let's rumble

You have a $1000 uber pedal? Who the hell even makes a $1000 pedal? But feel free to use it!

Also -- so far I'm not healthy enough to travel much yet.

I wasn't allowed to drive to Chicago to get an extra night of seeing my son's band in December, and it's only a few hours away. So we're going to have to do this by making recordings.
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Uh Oh... Looks like I'm going to have to figure out how to record actual music. Probably the easiest thing for me will be just to throw a room mic out during a gig. Goofing aside, it does show how we all measure things differently. For Les, it's all about how well the amp records on songs he's composing. For me, it's all about how it makes me feel while playing it live with a band (to me, most amps can sound great recorded) Maybe Boogie is someplace in the middle?
Goofing aside, it does show how we all measure things differently. For Les, it's all about how well the amp records on songs he's composing. For me, it's all about how it makes me feel while playing it live with a band (to me, most amps can sound great recorded) Maybe Boogie is someplace in the middle?

Actually, it's also about how good it sounds live for me, because in the studio, I'm an actual, live person and the amp has to inspire me with tone and feel.

Nonetheless, I'm stuck here for now, with travel restrictions for all useful purposes. So I really don't have a choice.

You're right, most amps can sound great recorded, but it's also true that most amps can sound really good live! The devil is in the details. I said...if your amp sounds better, it'll sound better live, or it'll sound better in the studio, or just in a video. And if it doesn't, well...then it ain't better! Different, maybe, but not better...;)
I was really just goofing around with the whole MDT beating the DG30 thing. I have both (but not the Super Dallas) and either can beat the other depending on what I feel like on a particular day. I dare say that the real test would be if I shipped you the MDT and see if it could make YOU like it better on that particular day.

On this particular day, I was supposed to be in meetings in Chantilly VA (about an hour and a half away) but it was called off because the gov't shut down due to weather. So I stopped by the warehouse to fix the 2-channel C (bad power tube.) The 2-channel beats them both today.

Having said that, I'm up for a little throwdown though. I'll mic both guitar amps (which we don't normally do), generate a separate monitor mix, and see if I can record direct that. Drums and bass (and obviously vocals) already run through it typically, so I should be able to get a better mix than using a room mic. If nothing else, I've been meaning to see if I could figure out how to get a decent live recording anyway...
I was really just goofing around with the whole MDT beating the DG30 thing. I have both (but not the Super Dallas) and either can beat the other depending on what I feel like on a particular day. I dare say that the real test would be if I shipped you the MDT and see if it could make YOU like it better on that particular day.

On this particular day, I was supposed to be in meetings in Chantilly VA (about an hour and a half away) but it was called off because the gov't shut down due to weather. So I stopped by the warehouse to fix the 2-channel C (bad power tube.) The 2-channel beats them both today.

Having said that, I'm up for a little throwdown though. I'll mic both guitar amps (which we don't normally do), generate a separate monitor mix, and see if I can record direct that. Drums and bass (and obviously vocals) already run through it typically, so I should be able to get a better mix than using a room mic. If nothing else, I've been meaning to see if I could figure out how to get a decent live recording anyway...


I've got a couple things I've posted already, but I'm up for recording something new as well. I played the HXDA and the DG30 today, and this afternoon the DG30 was my choice. But I didn't record anything - the hand is acting really strange. So there's that.
So...Boogie...I threw down a couple o' tracks. Time for you to do likewise. ;)
Been a LONG day. We record all of our practices, so let me see what I can accomplish tomorrow. It's too late for smack talk. ;)
and that, good people, is smack talk about smack talk!

Actually, no.

"Here's my amp in action. If you have a better one, let's hear it," is the opposite of smack talk.

To draw a sports analogy, the DG30 has already proved what it does, on the field. I've gotten what I consider are some good tones. I've posted them.

Now it's the guy who started the smack talk's turn!

Now, realize this is all in good fun, because in fact, our amps can do ten zillion tones, and sound different with each guitar and effect. We all know that.

Even my two clips of the DG30 sound completely different. And to go a step further, there is no "best amp in the world." There are lots of "best amps." People have different tastes and choices, and let's face it, as Aristotle so astutely observed, the amp that's our favorite amp today can be a different amp the next day.

And amps will sound different because they ARE different, and we are all different players. So this is merely a fun thing. Music isn't a contest.

But -- if ya SAY ya got tones that are better than the DG30, I wanna hear that! Post 'em!

Hell, I've posted clips of all 3 of my amps, my cabs, and I believe, all of my guitars within a few days of getting them. And I realize I'm no shining example of a guitar player. But I do believe the expression, "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture."

So I post clips. In most cases I go to the effort of creating backing tracks to give them some context and because it's fun!

Do it! Don't just talk about it! Talk doesn't cut the mustard. ;)
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When it comes to a Super Dallas, DG30 of HX/DA, talk is all I got, sorry.

Nothing wrong with that! Post what ya got!

You heard my one-chord demo on that other thread, I hope...that's all it takes. I'll waive the "musical context" requirement for anyone who needs it! ;)
Ok, okay, it comes. Back up 'cause SuperD needs some space. (man, all this chopping and splicing took a bunch of time and it STILL sounds like crap, but it's MY crap, so there!)

EDIT in progress...

Sorry guys, this is nothing but pedals.

Background: this is the new project I've been working on with 3 other guys. these clips are from practice last week...tons of clams, F-ups, timing issues, you name it. The mic placement is CRAP, the mics are CRAP, but Murray the bassist mixes them up about as well as can be. We use them for internal practice, only. Buyer beware. Oh, and there's another instrument missing from all recordings since he was a no-show that day.

Gear: PRS Super Dallas, PRS Custom 24, and magic mojo pedals.

King Pin
Chase the Villain
Face Melter
Mush Mouth
Kill the Rat
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