Les has slathered so much DG30 and HXDA love around this section, I thought it was high time I spread some to the under appreciated, original custom specialty artist amp from PRS...the Super Dallas. When it was time for me to look for a new amp, it was a tough process of looking at everything from Mesa/Boogie, Bogner, Friedman, Marshall, 65 Amps, and various other specialty and custom builders. It was after a particularly insightful talk with David Grissom at Experience, after one of his clinics, that I took a long hard look at the Super Dallas (his personal fav amp at the time). Ever since taking the leap, I've been surprised, delighted, stunned, and giddy at every turn. Each new experience with this amp has proven my decision to be the right one for me.
My music work involves mostly cover bands...classic rock, country, vintage rock ('50s/'60s), prog rock, etc. My pedalboard has taken a few years to get to my current level of perfection, so having an amp that melds well with them has been essential. The SuperD is the most stable pedal platform I've found. Period. And for these types of music, it has worked flawlessly with both my PRSi and non PRS guitars. Hopping genre from one week to the other has been simple. And despite trying to go back to my old girlfriend several times (my old Boogie MkIII), I come running back.
Here's why: that 3D, almost hi-if quality that blends with pedals to produce the most addictive tone I've experienced. HUGE bass, if I let it take over, but a controllable midrange and the most musical high end I've experienced. Even thru a 1x12 cab, everyone in the room instantly takes notice. I've never had so many compliments on my sound. Hell, I've never paid my own gear this many compliments! There's a quality that eludes description, but every player that's experienced it knows exactly what I mean. It's mojo.
While I appreciate and respect Les' beloved HXDA (there may be one in my future, some day) and DG30, there are other PRS CAD models that got where they did for a damned good reason. The Super Dallas has been on stage with some really big artists that I respect, but she's been on stage with me for a couple hundred shows without a single disappointment. With a new original material project moving forward for me, I'm confident that I can carve a new identity for me as a musician with this amp and the rest of this rig. That's what great gear brings to the game. And the Super Dallas is the best gear decision I've ever made. May you all find something that inspires as much as the Super Dallas does me.