More on the Walnut semi hollow LTD.


New Member
Feb 15, 2013
Grab them if you can find them. I had mine up against what are considered by many to be the finest guitars ever made. 1950s 335s and LPs, 50s Fenders, other PRSs, Maple CU 22 semi hollow LTDs, McCartys, top of the line vintage was my favorite guitar there. It must be carved differently than the Maple capped one, as I cant see a Walnutcap and Braz fingerboard making this much of a difference. Adding to this thought, is that with way over the top gain, the Maple capped one holds together better, which is consistent with a more solid guitar. For clean and low to mid gain tones, the Walnut wins every time. I was not expecting to love this guitar, but I am NUTS for the Walnut LTD. One of the finest PRSs I have ever played. Better than my Artist 3 semi hollow in some ways, not as good in others, but on the whole, and equally great guitar. Unbelievable. To hang with, or IMO surpass all of those masterpieces with a BRAND new guitar, not even broken in is unthinkable. Congrats to PRS. Mind boggling guitar. And thanks again to Markie for being the one who pushed me over the edge to take a chance on one of these. :)
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How cool is it that PRS has come out with something that works so well for you?

I'd love to have one, but it'll have to wait as the budget is whacked from earlier buys.
Nice. Did you buy one or just try it? Any chance you have a picture?
i just picked up a semi hollow PS with a Madagascar ebony top! The ebony really cuts and adds something nice to the tone.
Nice. Did you buy one or just try it? Any chance you have a picture?
i just picked up a semi hollow PS with a Madagascar ebony top! The ebony really cuts and adds something nice to the tone.

That sounds really cool too! Pics please! Here is mine just to get it in this thread and show it off again.


See - and you didn't want to believe me :p

Live and learn. :redface:
Do not deny the obvious. Yep. it is the walnut. Gotta be the walnut.

Does anyone know the correct answer to this? I do not think PRS ever stated they were different. They just stated that on the walnut it was carved on the inside for added resonance. The maple capped one is as well from where you can see in the Fhole, and appears the same in the control cavity, but who knows? It does sound more hollow and more resonant, especially unplugged, and on the lower part of the neck. If they are the same, would all my guitars sound better with a Walnut top? Its had to tell much of a difference between a Spuce top and a Maple top on a fender Robben Ford guitar which is also chambered. How can a walnut be far more different from Maple than Sprcue is? Or maybe the design just accentuates the top more? What would a Spruce topped model sound like then? This is all winding me up for another PS order if my Pomegranite one EVER gets done. A PS heavy Quilted Walnut capped semi hollow Fhole trem, (same inner routing as the walnut LTD) Brazzy neck, McCarty depth, with Americana birds and flamed Maple neck and headstock purfling, ebony board, 10th anniversary etched headstock Eagle with a gloss varnish finish? :eek: