McCarty 594 v McCarty 594 SH


New Member
Jan 24, 2016
hi all, just wondering if there are much differences between a 2020 McCarty 594 and a 2019 McCarty 594 semi hollow, I'm a bit out of the loop on PRS specs, just looking at these for sale online and trying to decide on one or the other, not much mentioned in either add. thanks for any assistance, btw, with would you go for?
I haven’t played a solid 594 but I have owned my semi hollow 594 for about three years now. To my ears my 594 sounds very open and big and really rings out when played clean. I’m guessing the solid body would be a little more focused with faster attack but I’d guess the differences will be pretty minimal. The biggest advantage of the semi hollow is weight, mine comes in a little under 7lbs.
I thought I was going to sell my 594 SH when I bought my 594 HB. But things have changed. It's pretty great. SH are harder to find as they were a limited edition, I believe. I also heard they may be making another run of them soon.
great, thanks for the replies, I’m definitely leaning towards the semi hollow,

Well, here ... let me help you decide ... my 594 semi hollow:






hi all, just wondering if there are much differences between a 2020 McCarty 594 and a 2019 McCarty 594 semi hollow, I'm a bit out of the loop on PRS specs, just looking at these for sale online and trying to decide on one or the other, not much mentioned in either add. thanks for any assistance, btw, with would you go for?

In my experience, the Semi-Hollow is more like weight relief than having a 'significant' impact on the tone. This is probably down to the fact that its made like a weight relieved guitar - albeit with an 'F-hole' in the top. Its still a 'Solid' 1 piece Mahogany body with 'relatively' thick back and sides.

That being said, if you can find a 594 SH that you like, I'd go for that by choice over the Solid versions. You obviously save weight and I think the F hole has its own 'classy' aesthetic too. Its also likely to hold its value more (if that matters to you) as they are not as common or easy to find.

At the end of the day, you can't go too wrong.

One thing that you may want to consider is the changes PRS implemented end of 2019 when they switched to the TCI process for ALL Core models and switched to their Nitro over CAB finish. The McCarty range also switched from Phase 3 Locking Tuners to their non-locking Vintage style tuners. Chances are that the 2019 Semi-Hollow was made before these changes is high and the 2020 solid should have these as standard. Therefore another thing to consider is whether or not you want the Nitro, TCI process and Vintage Tuners.
Chances are that the 2019 Semi-Hollow was made before these changes
All of the Semi-hollow 594s (DC and SC) were made to the original specs, regardless of when they were made - so even the last few off the line have non-TCI pups and the "usual" Ph 3 tuners, and the non-nitro finish.

OTOH, I have heard there may be some WL runs being done, where the dealers specced out different woods if they liked, and I would bet they come with all the attributes of a typical 2022 core 594.
after all of my pondering, I've gone and bought a DGT!!

Can't go wrong with that one either! Congrats. Play it loud and hard.

Post pics whenever you can put it down long enough to take pics. We love this stuff.

Wow, this thread did not help me. Particularly these pictures. What color is this?

At the end of the day, you can find pretty much most colours across the range of Cores - its Fancy bursts and certain colours that are unique to certain price points so when you do decide what guitar you want, chances are it will be available in a colour you prefer 'somewhere'....