Is This Place Special? Apparently Yes


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Periodically, someone will post on here about what a cordial, friendly, and welcoming forum this is. Yeah, we get the occasional hissy fit when someone doesn't get an answer quick enough, or doesn't get the reception they want, but those seem pretty rare.

I really only read a few boards - I read three pretty regularly, and I've gotten sporadic on a fourth. Each has had their share of "best forum around" posts. Each has had the occasional troll and argument, but by and large this place seems to have less of that.

What kicked this off was a link I saw to an opinion piece that referenced this Guitar World article. The gist of that piece was that guitarists are most definitely the greatest threat to guitars because of how too many treat those who should be our brothers/sisters in arms.

This was the part of the article that really jumped out at me big time.

Case in point: GW recently shared an article on how to tune your guitar to drop D by ear. Not only was this a useful topic for beginners, but we also knew people were actively looking up how to do this stuff. The Facebook comment thread was fast and furious. Here are some choice selections:
  • “People who need instructions on this can hand in their guitar now.”
  • “Part of being a good guitarist is being able to tune your guitar. If you can’t do that, go play tennis. There’s enough hacks out there.”
  • “If you can’t tune to drop D by ear, please stop playing. Seriously. Guitar World, please stop posting this garbage.”
I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen anyone respond that way to someone here. I'm not saying it's never happened, just that I don't think I've ever seen it myself. In fact, the majority of times it's been just the opposite - we've encouraged people to try more than they may think they're capable of. We have a forum where members can post their own playing - I don't think I've ever seen a derogatory response there. Compare that to the average YouTube post - it's a wonder anyone posts their playing there.

Personally, I think this is largely due to the pioneers on this board, who set the tone early for the vision of what this place should be, and it seems that goal has largely been achieved. Well done, forum brothers and sisters!
I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen anyone respond that way to someone here. I'm not saying it's never happened, just that I don't think I've ever seen it myself. In fact, the majority of times it's been just the opposite - we've encouraged people to try more than they may think they're capable of. We have a forum where members can post their own playing - I don't think I've ever seen a derogatory response there.
You’re spot-on. In all seriousness, I posted a bunch of really rough jam pieces and I got nothing but positive response. Yes, it was a little test...posted stuff that really did suck and no one rubbed my nose in it. We may have the most polite members on the web, or, possibly, have the worst taste in music on the web.
As I said one time, giving every moron with an iPhone a voice was never going to end well. Add to that the anonymity of the internet (read: the safety of not getting your arse kicked for being rude), and you have a recipe for disaster that has managed to turn out worse than I ever thought it could. Hence, the Guitar World responses which mirror the drivel posted on most forums. Most of these "pros" have never even been in a band, traveled to play, recorded, or any of the stuff they claim. Steve Vai once commented on realizing who it was that was actually making the majority of criticisms, and how that relieved him of giving any credence to it at all. I have developed a very low tolerance of rude, know-it-all, my way or you're wrong types online. When I stop enjoying cordial, adult conversation that is fun and respectful, I move on. I've moved on from all but a few specific ones for products I use and am here more than any other place. I sincerely appreciate the level of decency and camaraderie displayed one to another here. Elsewhere, I have found the Ignore function works wonders for keeping my enjoyment level high. I haven't used it here (close, but not yet).

Hats off to you all for the good, un-internet way of being. Yes, Alan. There really is a San... I mean, this place is special.
I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen anyone respond that way to someone here.

Well, there was the time I told someone that his dad was a hampster and his mother smelled like some kind of berries. Kinda feel bad about about that now.

In all seriousness, I posted a bunch of really rough jam pieces and I got nothing but positive response. Yes, it was a little test...posted stuff that really did suck and no one rubbed my nose in it. We may have the most polite members on the web, or, possibly, have the worst taste in music on the web.

Truth is, I don't believe in discouraging players who are beginners or who aren't that good. When you know someone is good, you might be a little tougher, but there is still no reason for anything other than encouragement. One of my forum buddies (from the old forum I've talked about) put out a CD that absolutely kicks a$$! Very good prog rock music and he did ALL the instruments and is a very good guitar player. He's sent me clips before when he was just tone testing, and I'd think "wow, that was kinda sloppy. Didn't expect that from him." But only because I knew what he was capable of. Trust me, I can throw down some slop. You should hear me warming up! LOL

Well... we do have that guy that’s really into Dream Theater. :p

That guy sounds pretty cool!

Could be worse; he could dig Rush! :D

Now he sounds even cooler!

Or disco. :rolleyes:

Oh, no. Now he sucks! Death to Disco!

Or that stereotypical druggie-prog stuff known as Pink Floyd!

Ok, another cool guy!
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Add to that the anonymity of the internet (read: the safety of not getting your arse kicked for being rude), and you have a recipe for disaster that has managed to turn out worse than I ever thought it could.
I've always said this. Anyone can sit behind a screen in anonymity and be a big man. I've seen guys just bash on people on the net that would never dare do it in a bar because they know what would happen.

I have a funny story about when I used to hang out in a couple sports forums, but it's too long to tell now. But wow, it's all fun and games when it's "your team sucks," "no, YOUR team sucks." But then people start calling you out, knowing they won't ever have to answer that call. Just be careful what you ask for.