I'm Waiting For The Man


About a year ago, I woke up from a sound sleep with severe neck pain, a right shoulder that had muscle cramps, and partial paralysis (tingling etc) in my right hand - ring and pinky fingers. The diagnosis was similar to yours (not sure of the exact 2 vertebrae that caused the problem - I was told but I forgot). End result was physical therapy for about a month (along with home exercises) and things slowly got better in both fingers over the course of 3 months. I do a fair amount of finger picking, so losing the use to some degree of my ring finger was not fun. The good news was that it did get better & I am confident (and hope) you will regain full use of both fingers. All the best.

Yup, you had C6-7 issues. As understand it, they can tell which cervical disk is compromised by which fingers have the problem.

I'm doing physical therapy starting Friday, so...hopefully it all gets to be less of a problem!

Speaking of Lou Reed, even my son is into his early stuff, so it's not that unusual!
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