I'm Waiting For The Man


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Perhaps The Velvet Underground should have sung, "I'm Waiting For The Man In The Brown Truck."

Photo courtesy of Jack Gretz:

Out for delivery...
Ohh baby! That looks even better out in the sun! May your wait be short my friend.
Or their other song, Heroin". It IS sorta like an addiction, no?

Very nice!

It's an addiction for sure! But less bad than some...

By the way, I think Sweet Jane is holding the guitar.

Ohh baby! That looks even better out in the sun! May your wait be short my friend.

Thanks! It does look better than the original shots I posted!

I had a feeling it would, because Jack told me he was just getting used to a new camera when he took the originals, and that the guitar really was more eye-popping in person. I've been sitting here since very, very early this morning, waiting for that truck like a kid waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. LOL!!

More pics and tone report to follow after it arrives and I have a chance to put it through an amp...
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That is a beauty! We're going to miss you around here when that gets in your hands instead of your keyboard. :D
Another one?

I know! Three electric guitars now!

Probably my limit. Any more than that, and I won't survive String Change Day. Not to mention the difficulty of trying to decide which one to record with.
Well, you pretty much have the big three there. Thinner body/24 fret with a trem, single cut with two piece bridge and individual volumes, thicker body doublecut with 22 frets and a stoptail. What more do you need?

My trio is much more low-rent but I am happy with them and feel like I've got the bases covered.
It came and I just got done with a couple of hours with it. I'm gonna post a separate thread later, but for now I'll just say this thing is so freakin' resonant, and its voice is so different from my other PRSes because of the maple neck! I really need to collect my thoughts, but this is a stellar beastie in every way.

One thing about Jack Gretz...when he gets together with Paul Smith, and they pick out some wood, man, it's some really good-sounding wood! But there are lots of little details I should go into in a real review. :top:
Holy cow! Clips!

"Out for Delivery" are both the best and worst 3 words you can read, haha.

One thing about Jack Gretz...when he gets together with Paul Smith, and they pick out some wood, man, it's some really good-sounding wood! But there are lots of little details I should go into in a real review. :top:
Very cool Les.
Now I know I have said this before, but I gotta hear ya belt out a little AC/DC :D
My favorite band of all time of course.

Set your amp up for some crunch, and play me some riffs.
I just entertained three coworkers in my breakroom here at work with Hells Bells, Whole Lotta Rosie, and Sin City.

Is there an Archon in your future too for some recording you may have to do, or can you get the "dirt" you need with your current amp lineup and pedals?
CoreyT;225125Is there an Archon in your future too for some recording you may have to do said:
I can do it just like AC/DC did it in the old days; crank the HXDA and put a pedal in front if needed, and go!

The only problem of course is that I don't actually know any AC/DC songs...

Hey, I write my own music! What can I say? I don't bother learning cover stuff!