Guidance Please


So this is how I change away from “New Member”
Sep 9, 2016
Charlotte, NC
Alright. I started looking at attenuators with you guys, then decided the kids will get older at some point and I will be able to play loud again. So, I decided I should look into another amp instead of an attenuator. I have a Custom 20 and an HXDA 30 already, so I am eyeing an Archon. I know it has a lot of fans on the forum, so give me your wisdom. What are your thoughts on the Archon 25 vs the Archon 50? What are your thoughts on US made vs the newer edition? What am I not considering? What is a good price range for used 25s and 50s? Anyone have a great contact for one in great condition at a good/great price? Overall, I like to play all kinds of rock, and have a nice pedal board for getting extra tones here and there. I know some will advocate for the DG 30, but I can’t swing that bank right now.
I haven't owned an Archon, but I have tried the MKII 50 watt combo. Thoughts on the amp in and of itself - not a huge fan of the combo version. I like the V-Type speaker, but it doesn't do anything for me in the 50 watt combo version of this amp, at least at "shop friendly" volume - very low mid saturated and just not as defined as I would want.

The recent PRS import amps I've tried (Sonzera, MT15) are 100% gig-volume amps, they need to be turned up to get their best tone, and maybe the new Archon is like that too, I haven't cranked it up enough to tell. It sounds like you need to play more quietly at the moment, so I would consider that.

Most people say the USA amps have better MV's for low volume use, and I'd also say some incarnation of the USA Archon would be the better buy. 25 watt if you want to be able to turn it up a little higher on the MV at home, 50 if you want more volume down the road. The clean channel sounds very similar to the Custom amps to me (and indeed the Archon was born of the Custom amp lineage), so it's really about whether you want that more aggressive and modern lead channel. Although in the wide world of amps, the Custom and Archon have a relative lot in common even on the lead channel.

Otherwise... maybe consider just sitting tight for the time being if you really want another PRS amp. That's kind of where I'm at, with an MT15, Custom 50, and Sweet 16 at home. The amp lineup is sparse right now, especially in the USA made line, just the HDRX and DG30, and while I think those are fantastic amps, there's not a ton of variety there. I suspect the factory is pushing hard to catch up on their massive backlog of guitar orders and new USA amps are on the back burner at the moment. Personally, I'd like to see a 40-50 watt amp at a price that sits somewhere between the import amps and the HDRX and DG. I'll try the HDRX if I get a chance, and the MT100 is perpetually looming, too.
Appreciate the insight provided. Today I saw a deal I couldn’t pass up though. Got a 2017 Archon 50 in the $800s from an out of the way shop. It should arrive next week and I’ll try to figure out how to post pics.