Custom 24 SE 35th Anniversary - Output Jack


New Member
Jan 5, 2021
My output jack keeps loosening on my Custom 24 SE 35th Anniversary. I've usually just hand-tighten. What size socket is needed to tighten more permanently. Any other tips?
I had the same issue on my 35th Anniversary CU24. Do not hand tighten it any more. You can break the wires inside. Check out this video. This is the correct way to tighten the output jack.

If you do this and the problem persists I have heard people use clear nail polish on the nut of the jack or a product called Loctite that keeps nuts in place but I have no experience with either of these suggestions.
Thanks both for the replies. Do you know if the SE uses the 1/2 " or the 11mm for the tool? also it seems like it might avoid the hand tighten issue?
Thanks both for the replies. Do you know if the SE uses the 1/2 " or the 11mm for the tool? also it seems like it might avoid the hand tighten issue?
Hi! i have the same problem! what size did you used for tightening the output nut? i bought a 13mm tool but doesn´t fit.
Be careful tightening the nut so as not to rotate the jack. Twisting the jack wires during nut tightening can snap them off, or have them tangle with the jack contacts and make the connection intermittent.
A lot of times this happens because there is no star washer behind the Jack plate. The way to tighten them is to remove the plate with the Jack and use a 1/2” socket and tighten while holding the Jack from the other side. The star washer keeps the Jack from rotating while you tighten it.