Brand new core Modern Eagle will not hold tuning...

You folks are all very awesome and I appreciate all of the great advice!

I spoke with the dealer and they are sending me next door to a very reputable repair tech to take a look. I am fortunate to live in a city with tons of great techs.

If they can't solve with minimal
invasiveness, or if their work doesn't fix it, I can still return... which is a breath of fresh air.

Won't get a chance to get it in until next week, so we'll try some different strings and a whole bunch o' whammy until then.
You folks are all very awesome and I appreciate all of the great advice!

I spoke with the dealer and they are sending me next door to a very reputable repair tech to take a look. I am fortunate to live in a city with tons of great techs.

If they can't solve with minimal
invasiveness, or if their work doesn't fix it, I can still return... which is a breath of fresh air.

Won't get a chance to get it in until next week, so we'll try some different strings and a whole bunch o' whammy until then.
Best of luck!