Black chrome/nickel hardware for core models


New Member
May 5, 2024
So it appears I'm going to have a new core model Special SH on its way soon, and I couldn't be more excited 😁 Its a 10 top, so it has the hybrid chrome/gold hardware, but I want to switch it over to the black chrome/nickel hardware found on the Private Stocks and Wood Libraries (the locking tuners, gen 3 trem/bridge, and pickup covers). Oddly enough, this guitar is actually a Wood Library model also, but despite my patience waiting and searching for who knows how long, I never came across a Special SH Wood Library with black hardware that had the top that I wanted. So this one came along with exactly the top, and a few other cosmetic enhancements I wanted, so I jumped at it. I figured its easier to switch the hardware, because I obviously can't switch tops and necks if I found a different Wood Library that had black hardware, lol.

So that being said, now I'm trying to figure out the easiest and least expensive way to do this since it appears PRS doesn't sell black hardware directly to customers, even if they happen to have a PS or WL core model (if anyone knows this has changed, please let me know!) Now what would be ideal is if I could find someone who has a PS or Wood Library with the black chrome/nickel hardware who was wanting to possibly change to the hybrid chrome/gold, and simply switch with them. But I have a feeling thats going to be a bit difficult. And I'd really prefer not to purchase non-PRS parts, as I'd like it to appear the guitar came from the factory that way when I'm done. So as a last resort, does anyone have any personal experience with the cost associated with a metal coloring company changing chrome/gold hardware to black chrome/nickel? And what the durability/longevity is regarding those parts keeping and maintaining those colors?

The other option as I see it, which is a bit unconventional (and I'm not even sure it would work), would be to find a WL guitar at a store online (as its unlikely a guitar store in my area would have the same model in a WL with black hardware), call them up, and explain to them that I saw they had a core model Special SH with black hardware, and I'm curious if they would be willing to change out the black hardware on their model for the brand new un-used hybrid chrome/gold hardware on my guitar, essentially just switch up the look on their guitar. My hardware is brand new, their hardware is brand new, it seems like it could be so easy, lol. But I'm sure the likelihood of finding someone that would go thru the hassle of doing that, when they already ordered their guitar that way for a reason, is slim. Not to mention, even if I did manage to find someone that would, I'd have to pay to ship my hardware to them, pay to ship their hardware to me, and I imagine give them something to make it worth their while. I guess I maybe could contact a PRS dealer that orders WL core models, have this conversation with him of what I'm trying to do, and ask if he will intentionally order a WL Special SH with black hardware, but order his guitar in a spec that if installed with hybrid hardware would look perfect, and then wait nearly 2 years for his guitar to be built and come in, and THEN switch out the hardware for each others 🥴

So as you can see, I'm at a bit of a loss. Any suggestions of realistic possibilities that would enable me to make this happen would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏻
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Sadly it’s incredibly rare to find black/smoked PRS hardware. About 3 years ago I saw a few pieces pop up and I didn’t jump on them but haven’t seen much since. It’s also very expensive to get just a few pieces for one guitar replated from the researching I’ve done. Also the phase 3 tuners do not seem easy to disassemble and reassemble. I’ve still been considering biting the bullet and paying to have a set of 594 hardware and chrome phase 3 hardware I have laying around to be refinished but have other purchases that take priority at the moment.

I wish PRS would just sell the damn things.