A Thread On The David Grissom Cab


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Yeah, I'm starting another thread today, and this one's on the DG 2x12 ported cab.

I love this cab with my DG30 amp, but was less enthusiastic about how it sounded with the HXDA 50 watt amp. The HXDA 50 of course pushed more low end than the 30. So I didn't think the combination worked as well. The HXDA 30 is a different sounding amp from the 50 in certain ways. And one of them turns out to be how it sounds with the DG cab.

I'm guilty I suppose of making the assumption that I wouldn't really want to pair the DG cab with the HXDA 30. So I got a 1x12 PRS closed back cab to go with it. But I'm not really a 1x12 kind of guy. Yes, it works well for recording, but even for that, I like 2x12s better, and always have, going back to my teenage years in the 60s when I had a 1x12 Ampeg Reverbercocket II combo and just couldn't wait to replace it with a 2x12 anything (I replaced it in 1968 with a '67 BF Bassman head and cab and stayed away from 1x12 cabs and combos for most of my time on this planet with few exceptions).

Long story short, today I decided to revisit the HXDA/DG Cab combination. And you know what? I found that the DG cab sounds stellar with the HXDA 30! What made me think of trying it was recalling that the HXDA 30 1x12 combo is ported. I figured that same thing should work for a 2x12 cab with this amp.

Sure, with a closed back cab, the HXDA 30 sounds more like the tight closed back sounds we often expect from a Plexi. But there are times and situations where a player just has to be open to different tones, and this turns out to be a terrific combination. I actually prefer it to the 30 with a closed back cab.

Anyway, the combination gives me really nice tones. I'm seriously considering ordering a second DG 2x12 so that I don't have to swap heads and cab or use a switcher.

Intellectually, I know that head switchers usually work fine. But emotionally, all I think is "OMG, what if some $200 box goes down and ruins an amp I really, really love? And what if I can't replace that amp with one that sounds as good?!?"

Because a head switcher has to put a resistive load on the amp you're switching away from instantaneously -- or the amp could be toast.

I know, lots of players use them for years and years. But I dunno. I just can't bring myself to do it.

"Well, why don't you just plug and unplug a cable manually, then, Les? It ain't all that hard!"

Yes, I do that.

But sometimes during a session I just want to switch to another amp while the creative juices are flowing, and don't want to interrupt a musical thought making sure I plug the cable into the right tap, waiting for it to warm up, or really, dealing with it at all. So I have two heads and two cabs. But only one of them's a DG30 cab, and I want two. ;)
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I'm going to guess that these cabs are rare out in the wilds of guitar-land, or folks would have jumped in to discuss the cabs.
I haven't had the chance to see a real live one in the wild yet... but I'm watching :)

They're really superb sounding cabs, and the porting is interesting. They certainly fill a room, but maybe because of the ports, they don't tear your head off, even when they're loud. Just nice cabs, really nice.
I didn't know what the ported cabs looked like, so I checked out the pics at sweetwater. Very cool.
I didn't know what the ported cabs looked like, so I checked out the pics at sweetwater. Very cool.

Yes, they have two rear oval ports, so there's a less congested and more diffuse sound than with a closed back cab, but it still projects very well. The tone is very sweet, and the wood is all pine. It's actually very light weight for a 2x12.

They're beautifully made, obviously.

Doug Sewell told me that in addition to the ports, he and Grissom removed one of the braces that add rigidity to the closed back PRS cab's baffle (if I remember this right), and that gives it a little bit more vintage sound, too. I think he's also mentioned this change in the initial video when the DG amps were released.

In any case, I'm working on ordering up a second one.
Doug Sewell told me that in addition to the ports, he and Grissom removed one of the braces that add rigidity to the closed back PRS cab's baffle (if I remember this right), and that gives it a little bit more vintage sound, too. I think he's also mentioned this change in the initial video when the DG amps were released.
I've not auditioned these cabs personally (condition Hen's Teeth) but was there for David and Doug's demo, so I can corroborate your recollection. For a solo guitarist (or only guitarist in a band), recording artist, or cab for your practice room, it sounded ideal, to me. For mix blend/cut in a live scenario, to my ears, the closed pine 2x12 was more well-suited. And for volume control, I also use a pine 1x12 with excellent results, so we have some difference in our preferences in equipment. But rest assured, if DG spent months tweaking options and discerning ears like yours give the thumbs up, this is esotericly awesome gear. Underestimating the quality, value, and tone in a PRS speaker cabinet would be a major mistake.
Not crickets, just trying not to jump in and say anything when I don't have anything to say. It's a struggle. Definitely interested.
For mix blend/cut in a live scenario, to my ears, the closed pine 2x12 was more well-suited. And for volume control, I also use a pine 1x12 with excellent results, so we have some difference in our preferences in equipment.

Oh, I got (and use) the 1x12 for the very same reason, to help control sound pressure levels in the recording room. Heck, that was my thinking when selling the HXDA 50 and getting the 30.

I do think the 2x12 DG has plenty of cut for live band use, even compared with the 1x12 closed back cab I have, but I'm going to agree with you that a closed back 2x12 should have even more focus in a dense mix, especially in crucial midrange frequencies. I'll even go farther, and say that the transient attack and immediacy of a baltic birch cab should theoretically have more cut than pine, which is warmer.

But even in a dense mix the ported cab has some advantages, too. It's going to fill the room a little more without poking a sharp stick into the ears of the audience as much. It has a little bit warmer sound that reaches the listener, maybe because of the phase shifted stuff coming out the back, etc. So there are trade-offs.

It's all a matter of what works for the individual.

I prefer the "swirl" of a 2x12 cab. Always have. I think 4x12s sound great, and 1x12s can sound great, too, but the sound I have in my head is usually a 2x12. Even in a closed-back cab, with the speakers perfectly in phase, there are differences between the two speakers' sound that are attributable simply to parts tolerance differences, so each speaker sounds a little different. For some reason, this combines in a cool way to me (assuming reasonably good cabs and speakers). Then of course, the internal reflections in the cab affect the speaker cones' travel, and you have these various cancellations and added peaks and valleys in the frequency response that affects phase (hence the swirl) and makes each cab a little bit different...anyway, this is just a personal preference.

In fact, I may opt for the PRS closed back 2x12 just to have them be different, and simply swap 'em in and out.

I'm going to guess that these cabs are rare out in the wilds of guitar-land, or folks would have jumped in to discuss the cabs.

I've only seen one and it was gone when I went back to try it.
I've only seen one and it was gone when I went back to try it.

Well, soon I'll have two. I've made the decision to get another one. They're just so sweet sounding, it's almost silly not to.

Hey, I'll finally be unique! Most folks haven't even tried one! :top:
Awesome you found an unlikely pairing that sounds great. I only say unlikely since you didn't love it with the 50 watt. I actually love the idea of the dual ported cab with my Hot Cat. I just can't do the cream tolex...well maybe if I got a matching head cab for my Hot Cat. I mean, I think the DGT cab matches my guitar room at home?!
Awesome you found an unlikely pairing that sounds great. I only say unlikely since you didn't love it with the 50 watt. I actually love the idea of the dual ported cab with my Hot Cat. I just can't do the cream tolex...well maybe if I got a matching head cab for my Hot Cat. I mean, I think the DGT cab matches my guitar room at home?!

Even though I'm all about matching stuff when possible, I'm cool with the fact that the DG cab won't match my HXDA. PRS won't make the DG cab in black. I had my dealer ask.

Oddly enough, when I had a black and cream Hot Cat 30 when they first came out, for a while I used it with a green Bogner cab that didn't match, either. In fact, it looked pretty low rent that way!

It sounded great, though! That's another amp I wish I'd kept. It'd be cool to have because it's so different from my PRS amps.

Of course, at the time I had the hots for a Two-Rock, and sold the Hot Cat to get one. I did stick with TRs for 8 years, though, so there's that. They're actually great amps, too, but perhaps a little less rock and roll than where I am now. And I had a tan Two Rock head with a black cab, and later a black Two-Rock head with a tan cab.

I'm that gal who's just gonna show up with a black purse and white shoes I guess. ;) Fortunately, the heads are pretty far from the cabs, and I do have the matching 1x12 for when company comes over!
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1x12, 2x12, 4x12 -- I'm really fond of the 4x10s myself. Especially for reasonable volumes. The lower excursion provides for more linear response, and the lighter element makes 'em faster, but four of 'em makes sure you don't sacrifice bass.

Alright, I don't have a lot of experience with this, but just curious if you've given this any particular attention, and where it fits in.
1x12, 2x12, 4x12 -- I'm really fond of the 4x10s myself. Especially for reasonable volumes. The lower excursion provides for more linear response, and the lighter element makes 'em faster, but four of 'em makes sure you don't sacrifice bass.

Alright, I don't have a lot of experience with this, but just curious if you've given this any particular attention, and where it fits in.

I have a Gibson cabinet that has two 10 inch speakers and two 12 inch speakers. It's a Super Goldtone 30 watt half stack. I bought it about 15 years ago from a session player in Nashville (via ebay).
1x12, 2x12, 4x12 -- I'm really fond of the 4x10s myself. Especially for reasonable volumes. The lower excursion provides for more linear response, and the lighter element makes 'em faster, but four of 'em makes sure you don't sacrifice bass.

Alright, I don't have a lot of experience with this, but just curious if you've given this any particular attention, and where it fits in.

I think 4x10s are great! I forgot all about that option.

I have zero experience with an HXDA style amp and a 4x10, however. I've only played them with old Fenders, and have never heard the PRS 4x10 in the wild. So tell me more, what's it like with your amp?
I think they're perfect, but again, I have very little experience with anything else. I have the MDT in a 4x10 combo, which is my primary amp, and the Archon head drives an open-back 4x10 cab loaded with Celestion Greenbacks (I don't know what's in the MDT, I should open it up and look -- it's got a grill). It's kind of hard to make them break up (speaker distortion) -- my fingers just won't turn the knob that high, lollers, but I really like their very clean and flat sound. I think it has more treble extension than anything else I have, but that just may be that it doesn't get overwhelmed by the boominess like the others. I got two when I found out they had discontinued this particular cab, so I should try putting other speakers in one of them, just for something different.
I have considered grabbing a DG cab. They do sound great. I'll probably get one of those or a 2x12 3rd Power cab. I like the tone of those as well. Also a big fan of 4x10 cabs. Have heard & owned a few. Nice punch and good cut.
I think they're perfect, but again, I have very little experience with anything else. I have the MDT in a 4x10 combo, which is my primary amp, and the Archon head drives an open-back 4x10 cab loaded with Celestion Greenbacks (I don't know what's in the MDT, I should open it up and look -- it's got a grill). It's kind of hard to make them break up (speaker distortion) -- my fingers just won't turn the knob that high, lollers, but I really like their very clean and flat sound. I think it has more treble extension than anything else I have, but that just may be that it doesn't get overwhelmed by the boominess like the others. I got two when I found out they had discontinued this particular cab, so I should try putting other speakers in one of them, just for something different.

Sounds like a cool setup, actually. My feeling is that if a set of speakers is working...well, then it ain't broken, and don't fix it!

I'll scout around and see if I can find one to try.

I have considered grabbing a DG cab. They do sound great. I'll probably get one of those or a 2x12 3rd Power cab. I like the tone of those as well. Also a big fan of 4x10 cabs. Have heard & owned a few. Nice punch and good cut.

They're really great cabs. They sound big, maybe a bit looser than many cabs out there these days, and fill the room. But there's enough punch and clarity that they project into the room really well. You'd probably enjoy having one, and they're also very light for a 2x12, being pine.
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Sounds like a cool setup, actually. My feeling is that if a set of speakers is working...well, then it ain't broken, and don't fix it!

I'll scout around and see if I can find one to try.

They're really great cabs. They sound big, maybe a bit looser than many cabs out there these days, and fill the room. But there's enough punch and clarity that they project into the room really well. You'd probably enjoy having one, and they're also very light for a 2x12, being pine.

I like light! Old back can't handle too much heavy lifting these days!