57/08 vs 59/09 demo (+ Suhr content)


New Member
Sep 12, 2014
OK... I posted this on another forum but I mentioned pick-up comparisons here in past so here we have it. I think these are decent demos.

Amp = Blackstar.
Clean channel only has a little reverb.
Recorder = Zoom H2n placed in front of amp.

I'm comparing 3 guitars....
PRS Custom 24 (2014 Wood Library model - the purple one - 59/09 dual humbucker)
PRS Custom 24 (2013 Experience model - the orange one - 57/08 dual humbucker)
Suhr Pro S4 (SSH+ humbucker in bridge and then two single coils which I think are Fletcher Landau's or SSV...??)

For each of these 3 tests I play from positions 5 (bridge) to 1 (neck) clean and then all over again but distorted:

One other soundclip plays the Pro S4 against the 57/08s on bridge humbucker:

Lastly I play the same riff on bridge humbucker for all 3 guitars:

The 59/09s are 10% overwound compared to the 57/08s and you can hear they are much raspier. I prefer the 57/08s.
The Pro S4 pups have more tonal variation on the whole.
Listening back the Suhr humbucker really cuts through and sounds alive. More than the 57/08? I can never make my mind up.

Here is another live clip with the 59/09s (not as good as a dedicated demo):
(skip to 0:54)
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No opinions on this? I thought the difference between the 57/08 and 59/09s was quite pronounced - which do you prefer?
OK, I have an opinion!

First, thanks for the demo. The difference sounds subtle from my end but I can still hear it.

I preferred the 59/09's vs. the 08's by a bit due to hearing a little more character in all combined positions (2,3,4). The Suhr was nice and sounded Strat-ier all around, but I'd pick the '09's as my overall winner for their dynamics and thickness.
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The difference in 57/08 and 59/09 was so small to my ears I honestly could not tell them apart. MAYBE the 59/09 wasn't quite as clear but in a live performance there would be no discernable difference.

Thank for posting. This is exactly what I have been wanting to hear. And maybe it's just my speakers.
Thanks, guys.
I thought maybe I put people off by posting the Suhr content given this is a PRS forum! The Suhr pickups are out of this world in terms of tonal diversity.

I think the 59/09s are hotter and raspier. I prefer the 57/08s. In fact both those guitars (see below) are so similar, I was contemplating selling the purple one with 59/09s but resale values are so low right now.

I'd love for somebody to do similar with the new pups in the 30th anniversary models as I hear they're the best yet - but HOW much better!?
