I Got An Itch...

"I see N O T H I N G !"

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;76191 said:
And so... IT BEGINS! :evil: Skitchy has started slinging is special brand of Kung Fu.


What I see when I try to open the image in a new tab in Chrome.
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He already had a whacked SE One that had the hole re-filled. So, that takes care of the main reason I can think of to get plugged... as long as we're talking guitars and not euphemisms for other things.

Let's assume that wasn't a double entendre. :redface:

So what's your guess?
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;76378 said:
Youz guyz are too hard to stump. :congrats:
Are we soothsayers or are you just getting predictable, Hans? :biggrin: Maybe a little of both?

Oh boy is this great??!!

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Damn... that neck route is super clean. Especially given that Skitchy has to freehand it.

I can't wait to get my hands this one, Shawn!