What Swede71 is working on :)


Tja ba!Läget?
May 5, 2012
Hi guys!Im working on arpeggioplaying ala Steve Morse.Very pianistic.I want to share with you forum members two examples of this style.Use a clean sound and play even eights with legato.Try using upstrokes on the higher notes and downstrokes on the lower notes.

e |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B |------10--------|------7---------|------3---------|----3---2---0---|
G |11----------9-11|7-----------6-7-|4---------------|----------------|
D |----------------|----------4-----|------------2-4-|2-----2---2-----|
A |----12----12----|----9---0-------|----5-----5-----|--0-----------0-|
E |--10----9-------|--7-------------|--3-----2-------|----------------|da capo
   2 1 3 2 1 4 1 3  2 1 4 2   1 3 4  2 1 3 2 1 4 1 3  1   3 1 2 1

e |----|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B |0-2-|3-----2---------|----5-7-8-----7-|-------12-----10|----------------|
G |----|--------4-----2-|----------------|9-----7---------|----9----11-----|
D |----|----4-----------|4-0---------9---|-----------12---|-12-------------|
A |----|--2---------5---|----------7-----|---10----10-----|9-----10------10|
E |----|----------3-----|----------------|--8-------------|-----8------9---|da capo
     1  2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1  3   1 2 2 1 3 1  3 1 4 1 4 1 3 2  1 4 21 3 4  1 3
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Im a luddite kind of guy :).Only use a pod with headphones at home.But perhaps forum members with videocams and amps at home can show their versions? :)
Hi Guys!Tonight im working on alternate picking.Triads moving in minor thirds.Eight notes or eight note triplets is up to you guys.Index finger and pinky only on your left hand throughout the exercise.Ex2 just an alternative version of ex1.

   A           D             C             F              D#              G#              F#              B
e |-------9-5-10------------|--------12-8-13-------------|----------15-11-16-------------|----------18-14-19-------------|
B |---10-5-------7-10-------|----13-8-------10-13--------|-----16-11--------13-16--------|-----19-14--------16-19--------|
G |9-6----------------7-11-7|12-9----------------10-14-10|15-12------------------13-17-13|18-15------------------16-20-16|
D |-------------------------|----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|
A |-------------------------|----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|
E |-------------------------|----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|da capo
   A            F             C              Ab             D#              B               F#              D
e |---------9-5-8------------|----------12-8-11------------|----------15-11-14-------------|----------18-14-17-------------|
B |----10-5-------6-10-------|-----13-8---------9-13-------|-----16-11--------12-16--------|-----19-14--------15-19--------|
G |9-6-----------------5-10-5|12-9-------------------8-13-8|15-12------------------11-16-11|18-15------------------14-19-14|
D |--------------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|
A |--------------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|
E |--------------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------|da capo
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Years ago there was a few issues of Guitar World magazine which featured Steve Morse lessons. I have them buried away somewhere but I remember them being some of the best lessons I ever had. He would be such an awesome teacher. I'm currently working on getting example one from your first post up to speed. Thanks for posting!
Shawn,im not joking,i dont have a smartphone.My daughter says im embarrassing :D.
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Steve himself demonstrating and explaining this kind of playing.
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Hi guys!Wanted to show you a warmup/scale/alternate picking/stringskipping exercise of mine.Play 16th notes on this one.I use G major because its perfect for a 22-fret guitar :)

   Basic figure
e |------------------------|-------------------------------------|
B |------------------------|-------------------------------------|
G |------------------------|-------------------------------------|
D |------------------------|-------------------------------------|
A |2-2-5-7-3-3-5-5-9-10-7-7|9--9-12-14-10--10-12--12-15-17-14--14|
E |-3-------5---7--------8-|-10----------12-----14-----------15--|
   G     Am    Bm    C      D       Em        F#dim     G
   Adding the same figure one octave up
e |---------------------|
B |---------------------|
G |-----4-4-7-9-5-5-----|
D |------5-------7------|
A |2-2-5-----------7-3-3|
E |-3-----------------5-|
   G    G     Am   Am   etc
   Adding the same figure one octave more
e |----------7-7-10-12-8--8----------|
B |-----------8---------10-----------|
G |-----4-4-7--------------9-5-5-----|
D |------5--------------------7------|
A |2-2-5------------------------7-3-3|
E |-3------------------------------5-|
   G    G    G      Am     Am   Am   etc
Hi guys!Im working on pentatonics tonight :).

E-minor pentatonic we all know
e |-12-|----|----|-15-|
B |-12-|----|----|-15-|
G |-12-|----|-14-|----|
D |-12-|----|-14-|----|
A |-12-|----|-14-|----|
E |-12-|----|----|-15-|
How about replacing the minor 3rd with the major 3rd.We can call it mixolydian pentatonic
e |-12-|----|----|----|-16-|
B |-12-|----|----|-15-|----|
G |----|-13-|-14-|----|----|
D |-12-|----|-14-|----|----|
A |-12-|----|-14-|----|----|
E |-12-|----|----|----|-16-|

   A7                  D7                 E7
e |-------5-9-5-------|-------5-8-5------|-------5-7-5------|----|
B |----5-8------8-5---|----7-8-----8-7---|----5-9-----9-5---|----|
G |-6-7------------7-6|-5-7-----------7-5|-4-7-----------7-4|----|
D |7------------------|7-----------------|7-----------------|7---|
A |-------------------|------------------|------------------|----|
E |-------------------|------------------|------------------|----|
   A mixo pent         D mixo pent        E mixo pent
I'll have to give some of these a try, I have been in a bit of a rut and could use a fresh perspective.
Hey Sergio,show me some cool funky chord voicings.One of my fav players is Prince.Hes not Disco right? ;)
Hi guys!Tonight im working on open voiced triads.Ex 1 an open voiced A triad in different inversions.Ex 2 all the triads in the key of A.Ex 3 an alternative for us without Frank Gambales ability to sweep :)

e |------5--9--12--17|
B |---5-----5--10--14|
G |6-----6-----------|
D |---7-----7--11--14|
A |7--4--7-----------|
E |5-----------------|
   A  Bm C#m D  E  F#m G#dim A
e |-------------4--5---7-----9|
B |------5---7---------------5|
G |4--7---------4--6---7------|
D |---4--6---7-----4---6-----7|
A |7-----4---5--7-------------|
E |5--7-----------------------|
   A arpeggio(sweep picking alternative)
e |---5-9----------|
B |------5---------|
G |--6-------------|
D |-------7--------|
A |-7--------------|
E |5-------9-------|
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Hey Sergio,show me some cool funky chord voicings.One of my fav players is Prince.Hes not Disco right? ;)

Participating in Doc's new thread should give me the knowledge to upload videos eventually, so it will be my pleasure to share some funky voicings with you! "Baby, I'm a Star" rides the line of what could be considered disco, so you may be in danger! Besides, that CU22 with soapys that you're rockin' is just made for funk and scratchy guitar lines.
Hi guys!Tonight im working on hybrid picking,sweep picking and pentatonics over major7 chords.The progression is Dmaj7-Amaj7.I love the sound of the "rootless" pentatonic scale.Using the C#minor pentatonic over the D and A chord means you never target the root of both chords.The sweep arpeggios are Satch inspired from an old guitarplayer soundpagerecord.

e |12-------12---|4-------0---|
B |10-------9----|5-------2---|
G |--------------|------------|
D |11-------9----|6-------2---|
A |--------------|--------0---|
E |10-------10---|5-----------|

e |----------16-12----------|-------12-9--------|
B |--------14-----14--------|-----10----10------|
G |------11---------13------|----7--------9-----|
D |----14-------------14----|--11----------11---|
A |--12-----------------16--|-9--------------12-|
E |10---------------------12|7-----------------9|

e |--------------------9-12|
B |----------------9-12----|
G |------------9-11--------|
D |--------9-11------------|
A |----9-11----------------|
E |9-12--------------------|
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I don't know what I would do musically with the knowledge and ability to do sweep picking, but it is something I have always wanted to learn. The combination of a light picking hand and the ability to choke the unwanted sustain from the passing tones is something I fear I will never be able to get down.
Hi guys!Tonight im working on economy picking with pull-offs and hammer-ons.Works great with 2 notes per string ideas.I use triplets this time.

  >=downstroke <=upstroke h=hammer on p=pull off
e |---------|8p5-----5|
B |---------|---8-5h8-|
G |---------|---------|
D |---------|---------|
A |---5-7p5-|---------|
E |5h8-----8|---------|
   >  > <  < <  < >  >

e |-------------------------------------------------------12-16p12-----------------|
B |----------------------------------------10-15p10--12h15--------15-12------------|
G |----------------------------9-13p9--9h13--------13------------------14-13------7|
D |----------------7-12p7--9h12------12-------------------------------------14----6|
A |----7-11p7--7h11------11-------------------------------------------------------7|
E |7h10------10-----------------------------------------------------------------0--|
   >   > <   < >   > <   < >   > <   < >   >  <    < >    >  <    <  > <  > <   >

e |12p7-------7-------------------------------------------------|
B |----10-9h10-11p10-------10-----------------------------------|
G |-----------------12-9h12--13p9-------9-----------------------|
D |------------------------------12-9h12-12p9--------9----------|
A |------------------------------------------12-11h12-12p10h11--|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------12|
   <   <  >   ><    <  >   > <   <  >   ><   <  >    ><       >
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