What does horsemeat smell like after a few days in the mail?

what’s the issue, they have baked potatoes.
Contrary to popular myths you can easily get very good food in England and have for many many decades.
Post war when the country was still on rationing and people could only afford to make meals out of the cheap parts of animals it might not have been so good - the stuff my dad grew up on doesn't sound appealing. But since then it's been fine.
Aka: Reason number 4862 of why not to own a cat
I'm with you on cats. Plus I'm allergic to them.
I am very allergic to them
I love cats, but my wife is also very allergic to them. I gave up my cat when I gained my wife many decades ago. I have often reconsidered the wisdom of that choice.
I'm also extremely allergic to cats.

Except the one we have - a Russian Blue. We adopted him through some strange circumstances, and I fully expected to have to be stoned on allergy meds constantly, but nope, I don't react. Our friends have cats, and I start sneezing when I visit their place within an hour or two.

I also had a Siamese cat many years ago that also didn't trigger my allergies.

Apparently both of those breeds (amongst others) are hypoallergenic.

If allergic to cats but you still want one, look for those hypoallergenic breeds.

And I look forward to all these Horsemeat reviews, to get back on topic...
Exactly why I have no use for them. Who wants a pet that is aloof, does what they want, won't come when you call them, etc., etc.
I used to think that. Alluding to my previous post, my Siamese would play fetch with me, and came when called.

Our current cat comes when called, and is happy to see us when we come home from shopping, work, etc.

He also hangs with is canine buddies (two huskies), and considers himself part of the pack.

I wonder whether it is more a reflection of the "owner" as to whether a cat is interactive - we are dog people, so perhaps we treated him like a dog, and he grew up with our dogs, so he thinks he's part dog?

And cats who are aloof are that way because they are projecting their owners...

Now, our cat definitely has cat characteristics - the headbutting "I own you", the desire (and capability) to chase and eat lizards around our pool, the "cat loaf" sleeping/snoozing mode, etc. But I do think the humans ("thumbs") in any pet relationship can significantly impact how that pet reacts to you and others.
Contrary to popular myths you can easily get very good food in England and have for many many decades.
Post war when the country was still on rationing and people could only afford to make meals out of the cheap parts of animals it might not have been so good - the stuff my dad grew up on doesn't sound appealing. But since then it's been fine.
i know, there used to be a restaurant over there called ’the baked potato’, probably too stupid a reference.

Contrary to popular myths you can easily get very good food in England and have for many many decades.
Post war when the country was still on rationing and people could only afford to make meals out of the cheap parts of animals it might not have been so good - the stuff my dad grew up on doesn't sound appealing. But since then it's been fine.

When I was over there, I was kind of surprised that the food was not nearly what I'd been led to believe. And strangely enough, one of the best meals I had was at a little fish and chips stand right outside the Tower Of London. I really enjoyed that. There were a couple pubs by the hotel I stayed at that I frequented multiple times with some very good food.

That said, my first meal there? McDonald's. It was about the only thing open at the time.
When I was over there, I was kind of surprised that the food was not nearly what I'd been led to believe. And strangely enough, one of the best meals I had was at a little fish and chips stand right outside the Tower Of London. I really enjoyed that. There were a couple pubs by the hotel I stayed at that I frequented multiple times with some very good food.

That said, my first meal there? McDonald's. It was about the only thing open at the time.
i get it alan but can you try to stay on topic? what the fig does macdonalds have to do with horse meat?
Contrary to popular myths you can easily get very good food in England and have for many many decades.
Post war when the country was still on rationing and people could only afford to make meals out of the cheap parts of animals it might not have been so good - the stuff my dad grew up on doesn't sound appealing. But since then it's been fine.
I've been to some fantastic restaurants in London and environs. What a great city!
I know what PETA is but don’t know why people keep saying FIFY. PETA is that bread you use to make sammich wraps and stuff.
I've cut back on breads for medical reasons.Yes - my life sucks.

Sadly, I'm more of a lettuce wrap kind of a guy now.

"Your life sucked before you cut back on breads."

"That's kind of subjective, don't you think? I've had a few nanoseconds of 'pleasant' in the past few years."

"Don't kid yourself."
I'm not a cat hater. My parents had some because they had 3 acres backed by woods, so it was either have a cat or two, or have mice getting in the house constantly. They had a couple good cats, but I just can't hardly be near them.

I'm a dog lover though. I've had one since I was a kid and probably won't ever be without one.