Videos of you playing or your band?

Ritchie Valens I believe...

There was a story that when "Young Guns" came out (it was after "The Ritchie Valens Story" was out), the stars were flying from one appearance to another. Kiefer Sutherland was sitting behind Emilio Estevez. They his some bad turbulence, and Sutherland leaned forward next to Estevez's ear and just whispered, "La la la la la la bamba."
No video
Just on old pic of me playing for my mother
from 2004

I've been uploading alot of videos of pedal demos lately.. where I'm mainly just making up licks and maybe throwing in some common links from well known songs.

I made this up today and I really enjoyed playing it on the Santana SE and the Paisely Deluxe! (It's super short video)