PSA: Unusual HX/DA spotted…


Established 1960, Still Not Dead
Dec 10, 2019
Gulf Coast of Texas

(If the link does’t work, use the descriptors to search their amps for sale forum)

I saw this ad and talked with Bob, the owner, who seems a nice guy (with good feedback) from the SC/NC border. I am actually talking with him about the paisley 2x12 he has, but the HX/DA he has for sale is pretty sweet, and you don’t often see a paisley covered 30 watt 2x12 HX/DA at all, much less for sale at a not-too-bad price. I don’t have any affiliation with the seller, but thought I should pass it on to those of you on the hunt.

Note: I post this as a PSA and, being as it isn’t anything PRS sells any longer, didn’t think it was out of keeping with the forum rules. Mods can delete if I’m outside the rules!

I’ve got my HDRX, and picked up a Friedman Smallbox a couple months ago, but… paisley. Damn.
It was a pretty sweet one. Signed by Paul and Doug on the back “Limited Edition” plate. The seller goes by BoogieManSC on TGP. I’m guessing it‘s gone… can’t get to the post now.

Update: Talked with the seller, and he has a potential deal going so temporarily pulled the ad. I’ll let you know if he reposts it. Unfortunately for me the deal he has going also includes the 2x12 paisley cab he also had! Oh well, spoils go to whoever has the available cash!
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Just a heads-up...The oversized 2x12 has been listsed:

Yes...the 30w 2x12 HX/DA amp has a new home.
Can save some bucks for the cab sale, if going outside of Reverb and their ridonkulous fees these days :):(
Just a heads-up...The oversized 2x12 has been listsed:

Yes...the 30w 2x12 HX/DA amp has a new home.
Can save some bucks for the cab sale, if going outside of Reverb and their ridonkulous fees these days :):(
Would love to have a paisley cab, but I can't even consider double-list-price on one. I keep reminding myself "good things come to those who wait", and the watch continues...
Here's today's Laz Very Bad, No Good, Contrarian Thought Of The Day:

HXDAs look equally nice to me regardless what they're covered with. So do most other amps in good condition!

Most studios/amp spaces/practice rooms/stages are a hodge-podge of dusty amps in various stages of wear and tear, cables tangled on the floor, guitar and mic stands strewn hither, thither and yon, road cases, band stuff, hair balls, and nicknacks, guitars, or even goofy looking foam thrown haphazardly on the walls.

What difference does a fancy covering on one amp make in a room peppered with badly-framed rock posters, Star Wars toys, lava lamps, and skulls with glass jewel eyeballs?

Anyone in the class know?

"Ooo! Ooo! I'll answer the question, Mr. Laz! Call on me!"

"OK. What's the answer, Billy?"

"Not much of a difference at all."

"Correct! You're going to work your way all the way up to a D-minus with this impressive effort, Billy!"

Even in my own neat-freak studio where I pay attention to decor like a madly obsessed interior designer, it's just a room with a pile o' big boxes with grille cloths and mediocre architecture!

It's never going to be a living room in Architectural Digest or a million dollar studio in Mix. It's missing the million dollar part.

Black tolex looks as decent as anything else, and fancy stuff hardly improves the situation.

I've bought custom covered amps, and still have a few. While the choices seemed really important/cool/necessary at the time and I couldn't possibly have resisted ordering them, they don't really matter one damn bit in the end.

Clearly I'm either becoming more sane in my old age, or becoming more unhinged - possibly both, depending on the moment - but I wouldn't pay extra for a paisley amp, or spend any part of the two bits worth of time I have left on the planet trying to find one.

So ends my Very Bad, No Good, Contrarian Thought Of The Day! :)

"It was more like a rant."

"No it wasn't, It was more like thought-sharing experiment."


"OK, rant. So?"

"How much of your two bits of time left on the planet did you spend on this rant?"

"Ranting is never a waste of time. It's cathartic. On the other hand, reading my rants is definitely a waste of time." ;)
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