PRS Custom 24 Purple Iris - saddle hits the bridge screw


New Member
Apr 14, 2024

I bought a C24 purple iris with the PRS trem in August 2022.

I have to say that as it was set up so well, other than changing strings and general cleaning I haven't done anything to it.

Yesterday I was giving it a good clean and was looking at the trem system and I noticed that the saddle for the high e string is actually touching the head of the bridge screw. I lengthened the string a bit (OK, intonation is ever so slightly out) and now there is a gap but it's like 0.1mm (so 0.004") .

It's almost like the bridge screws are about 5mm too far from the nut, meaning that the saddles are then adjusted back towards the nut to get the correct intonation.
Still running 10-46s and I've not adjusted anything since I bought it.

Once I've worked out how to post a photo I will .....
I would try loosening the string and adjusting the saddle back to half way in the distance it has for travel then tune the string up and start adjusting it again. There is probably another spot in the travel where it will intonate, especially if it is still a little out where it is now. Many times people adjust too much at a time and actually go past the point where it intonates and end up at an extreme adjustment where it is close to in and leave it there.
I would try loosening the string and adjusting the saddle back to half way in the distance it has for travel then tune the string up and start adjusting it again. There is probably another spot in the travel where it will intonate, especially if it is still a little out where it is now. Many times people adjust too much at a time and actually go past the point where it intonates and end up at an extreme adjustment where it is close to in and leave it there.
This is good advice.

Did this after reading this post with my Starla, that had intonation issues not inlike yours across the board. Worked very well!