Pickups comparable to 57/08

They have been, technically, since SC245 pickups and Mira pickups are the same, only one has covers, and the other has a coil split wire. Same magnets, wire and turns. And frankly, I love the pickups in my Mira. Miras came with SC245/Mira pickups until 2013, when 57/08s debuted in 2008.

As for why they're not available any more, I would be willing to bet there's too much overlap. The specs are very similar to 59/09s, so why have both?

I've never known before that Mira pups are tweaked 245's. Also new to me is that the 245 set has similar specs to 59/09. Thank you for your info ^^
Thanks Rider1260! Lowering the pickups improved the sound a lot. I'm gonna stick with these pickups for now.
This is my experience with BKP
I used to have a Custom 24 (toggle switch and push/pull) with HFS and Vintage bass, but I didn't like them.
Then I ordered a pair of Mule and was deceived, because it sounded very cold to me. Very precise, but no soul !
Then I heard many good things about 57/08. A few months later, I came to knwo that a good friend of mine had a PRS Al Di Meola, which he let me try for a while. I loved the sound.
So I put back in my CU24 the HFS and Vintage bass and sold it. I sold as well my pair of The Mule, and odered a new PRS Cu 24 (with new 5way blade switch).
Well, I must say that even if I prefer the PU possibilities of the CU 24 comparerd with the Al Di Meola, the sound is not quite the same, though they both have a set of 57/08.
I still prefer the sound of the Al Di Meola with the Neck PU - more compression, more beefy, more close to my PRS Santana III that I love.
They have been, technically, since SC245 pickups and Mira pickups are the same, only one has covers, and the other has a coil split wire. Same magnets, wire and turns. And frankly, I love the pickups in my Mira. Miras came with SC245/Mira pickups until 2013, when 57/08s debuted in 2008.

As for why they're not available any more, I would be willing to bet there's too much overlap. The specs are very similar to 59/09s, so why have both?

Interesting that some thing the 245 pickups suck then, because I've heard tons of great comments about the Mira pickups and in fact PRSh said when testing amps that was his go to guitar because it was so versatile and the pickups were so good. The Mira I almost bought (and kick myself in the butt for not buying) sounded great! But I didn't have any of my other ones at the store to compare to it.
I liked what I was hearing from the 57/08s in a newer HBII. Finally got around to tossing in a pair of Wolfetone Dr Vintage in my original HBII, replacing the stock Archtop pups. I was not thrilled at first, but after a fair amount of tweaking the new pickups, I would say they are right up there with 57/08s in the same guitar. (But note the newer HBIIs have a new finish and upgraded piezo, both of which are also better than the originals).
DGTs turned down to about 6-7 in all positions for clean sounds are the best humbuckers I've heard.Sounds great split too,especially the bridge pickup.
Gibson 57 Classics are killer pups. Slightly less out put than 57/08s, but a little more clarity. I love them both equally. I have yet to hear any after market pup sound better than a Gibson 57 Classic, and I have heard a lot of them. IMO, to my ear, YMMV etc etc.
The early 57 Classics ARE killer pickups. Tom Holmes spec'd them for Gibson. They were wound with Plain Enamel wire until late 2005/ early 2006. Then to save cash, Gibson started using cheap poly wire painted to look like PE. I don't think the newer version sound nearly as good. As far as aftermarket pickups go, Electric City, Wolfetone, and Sheptone pickups all sound stellar. You can email the winders and they can help figure out exactly what you want.
Good luck!

Gibson 57 Classics are killer pups. Slightly less out put than 57/08s, but a little more clarity. I love them both equally. I have yet to hear any after market pup sound better than a Gibson 57 Classic, and I have heard a lot of them. IMO, to my ear, YMMV etc etc.
The early 57 Classics ARE killer pickups. Tom Holmes spec'd them for Gibson. They were wound with Plain Enamel wire until late 2005/ early 2006. Then to save cash, Gibson started using cheap poly wire painted to look like PE. I don't think the newer version sound nearly as good. As far as aftermarket pickups go, Electric City, Wolfetone, and Sheptone pickups all sound stellar. You can email the winders and they can help figure out exactly what you want.
Good luck!

Hey Brad,
Are you 100% sure thats true? Right now I have a set from 2001, and another from 2011. Thats 10 years apart, and they read exactly alike using a voltmeter. (All 4) They sound the same to me as well, so if its different wire, not sure it made any sonic difference, or at least not any my ears can tell. :dontknow:
I haven't torn any pickups apart to check, but several folks in the know have posted that on various forums. I can say that I've played guitars with newer pickups that didn't sound as good as the older ones.
I'd also suggest WCR Jim Wagner if you are looking for something in the 57/08 or 59/09 range, His Crossroads, Darkburst, and Godwound set are all in the PAF range. New they are still less than 57/08s. Used you can get them for about $100 a pickup.
I'd also suggest WCR Jim Wagner if you are looking for something in the 57/08 or 59/09 range, His Crossroads, Darkburst, and Godwound set are all in the PAF range. New they are still less than 57/08s. Used you can get them for about $100 a pickup.

I have guitars with Godwoods, Crossroads and various combinations (ie, American Steel). I do think they are great.
I haven't torn any pickups apart to check, but several folks in the know have posted that on various forums. I can say that I've played guitars with newer pickups that didn't sound as good as the older ones.

Could be the guitars. Mine are dead on with each other. I am not crazy about the Burstbuckers, but the 57 classics are wonderful, new and old IMO. Had them next to Lollars, wolftones and many others. They just feel and sound "right" My buddy has a 58 ES335 and the very first 355 ever made. :eek: Both all original and are amazing. The 57 classics sound pretty much dead on the money, and we have compared them over and over into many different amps. If its that kind of true vintage pup you want, I dont think anything is going to get any closer. The 57/08s are quite a bit hotter than those however.
Just about everything I'm going to name would be comparable in price to 57/08s secondhand, but here goes.

OX4's - I use these in the HIstoric LP I have...It's the closest I've heard to that "Tele on Steroids" thing... I got them this year and enjoy them... They have a midrange character yet clean up the best I've heard in a LP.

I've also played with Lollar's Imperials and Fralin's Pure PAFs and both are good and slightly less expensive. For something totally off the shelf you could always go with Seymour Duncan. I have his pickups in a few of my guitars. For humbuckers from SD I prefer the '59 model or the Seth Lover model. Although I give a slight nod to the '59s because they are a bit more ballsy to my ears without losing clarity.

I've heard great things about ThroBak, ReWind, and Wizz pickups as well as some brands mentioned upthread (WCR, ECP, etc), but I personally haven't tried them. They are around the same price as the OX4's.

I find 59/09s to be a little too hot for me (though great tone), and 53/10s are good too I hear, but I prefer the 57/08s for my PRS.... Haven't tried a DGT. It's on the list as well as a 408 equipped guitar....

I like lower output pickups. I like high headroom amps and speakers that aren't going to break up (way more watts than the amp). I like my pedals to do the work for my overdrive/distortion tone. I'm not a fan of power tube distortion really, I prefer smacking the preamp and I find pedals do that better than high output pups. I'm more of a preamp distortion tight bright sizzle (some would say fizzy) kind of guy though, and not so much warm squishy crunch so keep that in mind with my pickup recommendation.
Throbak SLE-101s are killer for blues tones, along the lines of the 57/08s. The '+' models are more 59/09 flavoured and my favourites, as are 59/09s...
As far as aftermarket pickups go, Electric City, Wolfetone, and Sheptone pickups all sound stellar. You can email the winders and they can help figure out exactly what you want.

One thing to keep in mind with the smaller PAF winders is that many of them don't pot their pickups except on request, largely because original PAFs weren't potted. I just took a Wolfetone Marshallhead Mk. II out of my Bernie, not because it sounded bad (it actually sounded spectacular!), but because it's not potted and I had trouble with it getting microphonic under high gain at a relatively modest volume. Had I ordered it directly from Wolfe rather than bought it off the shelf from a dealer, I probably would've had it potted.
I would also vote for Classic 57s, they offer the best value. I have them in four of my guitars and they are as close to my SC58 as you can get.
Looking to replace the pickups in my sc245. Today I played a PRS Al Di Meola and the 57/08 pickups sounded great!! I would like to find some comparable pickups that sound like the 57/08 or pickups that suite my playing style. I play clean all the time very rarely use overdrive. Jazzy bluesy style playing.John Mayer style.

If you want a set of 57/08s, I've got a set in my recent NOS PRS stripper that i've been looking to switch out. PM if interested.

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