Onward and ever forward!

Daryl Jones

non-practicing pacifist
Nov 15, 2021
Alberta Canada
Well crew, we are at the close of another year. What lies ahead is never a given but we all plan in one way or another.
For me, as I settle in on my non-career life plan, I am in process of setting up my first ever gig. And no, it's not a professional thing, far from it. Just a small intimate (hopefully) gathering of friends and family in a very rustic rural location. Inverter generators for powering the amps and p/a, and it's outdoor so hopefully we don't need a whole lot of makeshift shelters from rain. Not even sure if I'm running solo or if my 3 playing buddies will tag in or not but we're working at it. I'm good with either option, but certainly not afraid to cut the umbilical if any of them waffle at all. I will not buckle under any artistic differences at all, this is my baby 100% or combine yer sex and travel. It's several/many months away though so have a ton of time to settle things, but we all know how time and deadlines get blurred and it will be here before I know it.
But enough of the what if stuff. The main thing is I want everyone to have a pleasant, fun, safe and Happy New Year. What is in the past is history, tomorrow is merely a concept until it happens. Live life like there is no tomorrow, within reason and sensibility of course. Last summer was very painful for our family and left a hole in our hearts that will never fully heal. But we go on. And damn the torpedoes.
Keep on rockin' my PRS fam!
all in all it's been a good year , 6 new beautiful guitars (4 PRS) and a new amp . The world is going nuts but at least I can sit and relax playing good music through amazing gear as the sand runs out of my hourglass . May you all have a Happy , HEALTHY , New Year .
Rock ON!
First ever gig?
Be prepared to get hooked!
Have fun mate!
Well, first one with a guitar in my hands. No stranger to the stage in several means, just never playing guitar. Pretty stoked already, and yeah, it will become more in the future I think. Plenty of friends have been bugging me for a couple years now.
And I totally agree with Grtbldr, open this up to any and all New Years greetings!
Thanks for the great thread Daryl! Looking forward to the audio/video of your hoorah in a few months! You got this!! I played on Christmas Day at a friends party for about 75 people and things went well!! Never got around to setting up a video camera though (the seven P's were not in place), so i have only audio, but I will likely post some bits of that after I review it in the new year. I was honored last year to play the same party. This party has been happening for 47 years on Christmas Day, and I am already invited back to be the headline act for next year as well so I must have done something right.

Aside from those two parties, I did an open mic night in Dec '21 where I played 4 songs, and I have a solo singer/guitarist who let's me sit in on his sets whenever I want (I think I have done so maybe 5 or 6 times). Will be seeing him tonight as he is playing where we are having our New Years Eve celebrations, and I will probably play a song or two this evening to about 75 people!!! I am very comfortable with myself, including when I make mistakes so no issues there. I will have to choose really really easy songs though because he always has his guitar in drop D tuning and I don't play in such tunings nor do I have any experience in doing so except when I play his guitar (not going to take my own guitar to his gig). Anyway, as long as you can keep the mind/emotions in check, all should be good. So the stuff above and a 3 song opening set in July of 2016 are the only times I have been on stage with a guitar (though I used to go to an open mic in the 80's/90's where I would play bass on "Message In a Bottle" with some friends). Looking forward to getting myself out there this coming year, assuming my medical issues don't kill me first ;~))

Happy New Year to all! I have learned a lot from this forum and it is the only social media I spend more than 5 minutes on! I hope we all are able to take the strides we intend this coming year! Blessings to you all!!!